A few weeks ago, I agreed to let a doctor inject my vagina and clitoris with my own blood plasma and now I have a brand new vagina. The doctor was no ordinary doctor, but Dr. Carolyn DeLucia, one of only a handful of providers in the United States who is qualified to perform the Orgasm Shot, which also goes by the sweet pet name, the O-Shot. The clinic was V-SPOT Medi-Spa in New York City, founded by no other than Cindy Barshop of The Real Housewives of New York, who greeted me in the porcelain and marble lobby, wearing an embroidered caftan I’d sell my soul for.
The O-Shot involves drawing blood from another place on your body (in my case, it was my arm) and then pulling blood-derived growth factors from that sample to insert into your vagina and clitoris. When this platelet-rich blood plasma is injected into your lady parts, the stem cells it contains multiply and help grow healthier vaginal tissue. The potential results include everything from more powerful and frequent orgasms to increased lubrication and increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm, aka the best night of your damn life.
I walked into that posh office thinking I knew everything about my vagina and walked out realizing how little I knew. Like a lot of women in their thirties, I take sex and orgasms for granted and assume they are my natural birthright. That all changed when I began researching how the vagina ages and found myself wanting to drink anything not locked away. Judging by my research, I have 13 good years of sex left in me and if there’s a way to achieve the apex of orgasms now and learn how to extend my sex life beyond age 50, no needle in hell is going to get in my way.
Before seeing Dr. DeLucia, I signed a release form that warned some of the side effects of the O-Shot include constant vaginal wetness, mental preoccupation with the G-Spot and O-Spot, hypersexuality and sex life alteration. Hello, pass the pen. Of course, the possible bleeding was a concern, but “a sensation of always being sexually aroused?” Again, pen please.
After being asked if I had a clear Pap test in the last year, the fun began. Dr. DeLucia applied a topical numbing cream on my clitoris and inside of my vagina, and we got to shooting the breeze about orgasms.
Before kids, all my husband would have to do is touch me for a second and my body would turn to vapor and follow him into a pit of fire, if necessary. But now, babies have happened. And do I feel sexy after spending 25 minutes putting a toddler to bed while he screams about wanting to sleep with 13 of his choo-choo’s? No, I do not.
It takes me more time to get going in bed and a lot more time to get my mind off of life. Orgasms still happen and there’s no such thing as a bad one, but lately I’ve been feeling like I am cheating myself. Hence, myth buster number one concerning the O-Shot: It is not something you do for your partner; it is something you do for yourself. If your powerful orgasms just so happen to improve your sex life and marriage, fabulous — but this is about helping yourself.
Both Dr. DeLucia and Barshop explained to me that women of all ages benefit from the O-Shot, but those going through menopause or medical procedures affecting their libido, are especially surprised. One woman even called after her procedure practically in tears because she had never experienced an orgasm before the shot.
I was sold.
And, of course, I was still scared out of my mind because a very thin needle was about to be inserted into my clitoris and vagina, right on the elusive G-spot.
More:Multiple orgasms are totally possible using this trick
About 10 minutes had passed since the numbing cream was applied and I’ve never felt happier about that entire region feeling detached from my body. When she injected the plasma into the wall of my vagina, it felt a little uncomfortable — like a very mild sting, but it was bearable and it ended in a few seconds. I had been most concerned with how a needle would feel on the clitoris, but that was 100 percent painless. I was told the effects could be felt immediately, but that it takes up to three months for the shot to reach its full effectiveness and that it would last for about one year. The entire procedure was over within five minutes and, aside from a spot of blood and slight labia swelling, I felt exactly the same.
That is, until I didn’t. A few minutes later when everything down there began to tingle, I gained a heightened awareness of my vagina and clitoris that felt like the best secret in the world. It’s not that I felt horny — the O-Shot is not Viagra — it’s that the area felt plumped up and alive, though I’m willing to chalk that up to the fact that it was still coming off of the numbing cream. Maybe my vagina was just stoned.
More: 31 Days of orgasms: The masturbation challenge your body is begging you to take
The next night, my toddler’s bedtime routine was still a headache and I had just finished playing three unsexy rounds of Sneaky Squirrel with my daughter, yet it took me a quarter of the time to attack my husband after the kids went down and half the time to reach orgasm. My body responded quicker to every touch and mental stimulus, leaving no room for me to mind fuck myself and start thinking about the kids or the work I still had to do. My husband’s response was that it always feels amazing, but that this time it felt different because I was responding in a new way.
There have been other little perks I’ve noticed since the Orgasm Shot. The sudden excitement down there after watching a scene in Orange Is the New Black that I don’t think was meant to be titillating, but try telling that to my new vagina. And the time I pulled on a pair of satin panties and had to stop for a few seconds to regain my composure, because I had a train to catch. New vagina doesn’t care if I have kids and a busy life — it refuses to be an afterthought. Trust me, I’m as skeptical as they come, but there’s only so much pleasure a placebo effect can give someone.
The O-Shot costs around $1,500, which isn’t chump change (full disclosure: my treatment was comped), but is worth it (I’d pay to do it again in a year), if you’ve been struggling to achieve orgasm or to even be lubricated enough to enjoy sex. Men have myriad options when it comes to restoring or enhancing their sexuality — isn’t it time more solutions are offered to women? We really don’t have to settle for less pleasure after a certain age.
If you are considering the Orgasm Shot, it’s crucial that you visit a certified provider.
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