You don’t have to be Beyonce to have an alter ego. Lurking under the surface, every woman has a sassy side to her personality that takes over when she’s out on a date (or just feeling confident!) Take our quiz below to determine which sexy, bombshell celebrity you most closely resemble.
1. Your ideal first date outfit consists of:
A. A tight Herve Leger bandage dress that accentuates your curves.
B. A vintage dress and layered necklaces.
C. A white tuxedo jacket and skinny pants.
D. A classic LBD paired with heels in a bold hue.
2. For Valentine’s Day, you’re planning on giving your boyfriend:
A. A blinged-out watch.
B. Yourself, popping out of a cake.
C. A vial of your own blood.
D. A romantic weekend at a B&B for just the two of you.
3. A guy does not have long-term potential if he:
A. Doesn’t meet with your friends’ approval.
B. Has a lot of “close friends” that just happen to be cute, younger girls.
C. Doesn’t want children.
D. Doesn’t like your children.
4. When you talk to your friends about your love life, they:
A. Are surprised – You’re usually so private about your personal life.
B. Don’t understand what you see in the men you date.
C. Sigh and wish their lives were so passionate.
D. Are envious of your younger man’s stamina!
5. If you ever get married, it will be:
A. On a Manhattan rooftop
B. At a castle in Ireland
C. When all American, including gays and lesbians, have the right to marry.
D. In a small ceremony surrounded by your family and friends
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