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How to meet a guy at the gym

As ordained by Cosmo, the gym is one of the best places to meet a healthy, good-looking man under 35. Below are five tips for turning your workout into a make-out.

Tip #1: Don’t wear headphones

If you’re looking to meet a guy at the gym, it’s necessary to seem like you’re open to chatting. Start by ditching the ear buds and the Ipod- they send signals that you want to be left alone – and become friendly with the regulars at your gym, including the staff. Even by just saying “hi” to people when you arrive, you will be giving off a social, approachable vibe that will attract a man’s attention.

Tip #2: Peruse the free weights

You may love your 10 a.m. yogilates classes on Saturdays, but the chance of your meeting anyone besides a few middle-aged moms trying to lose their paunch is slim. Instead, peruse your gym’s schedule for classes that involve boxing, martial arts, or anything that includes the words “boot camp” in the title to maximize your man meeting potential.

Another good idea is to stake out the free weights section of your gym during peak hours. Don’t worry if you’ve never lifted before; asking about proper form may just provide the perfect conversation opening! “Ask him to spot you,” says the editor of The” Not that I know what that means, considering I haven’t been to a gym in five years.” If all goes well, be sure to segway the conversation to another location for après-workout smoothies.

Tip #3: Look cute but not obvious

You don’t have to show up the gym in a teeny-tiny thong to grab a man’s interest, but a coordinated ensemble that shows off your assets will attract more attention than wearing a pair of sweat pants and your favorite old college tee. (Check out for some stylish and comfortable options.)

Conversely, you don’t want showing up at the gym wearing loads of eye makeup or in any kind of outfit you can’t actually workout in (don’t even think about heels!), as this will come across as too obvious and desperate.

Tip #4: Try not to act like the treadmill is pure torture

Sometimes just the thought of exercising can put a scowl on your face, but when scoping out the singles scene at your gym, it’s important to seem as if you’re happy and enjoying yourself. (If you’re not, try switching up your workout or doing something to get yourself motivated again.) Also, don’t be afraid to make eye contact and smile when spotting a possible gym crush contender.

Tip #5: Coregasm

Lastly, if you really want to attract a man’s attention: indulge in a coregasm. According to Women’s Health, a coregasm is what occurs when a woman climaxes by exercising certain core muscles, specifically when doing hanging leg raises. Consider it a reward for all of your hard efforts, as well as a surefire way capture the attention of any man at your gym!

Want more tips on being sexy and single? Get 1oos more dating tips in our single girl’s guide to dating>>

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