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Newly divorced: Try a one-night stand?

Divorce takes an emotional toll on both parties. And often, when it’s all over, self-esteem is at its lowest. If you are newly divorced, you probably don’t want to dive back into a serious relationship right away; you need time to heal. But what about a one-night stand?

Casual sex: not all bad

We are all grownups, and we have our physical desires. And let’s be honest: There’s only so much a vibrator can do for you. At some point, you want the real thing. If you aren’t ready to date yet and don’t have a “friends with benefits” relationship, there’s nothing wrong with a good old-fashioned one-night stand (or two).

Contrary to what your mom told you, a single one-night stand won’t make you a slut. While it shouldn’t become your long-term dating pattern, of course, a one-night stand may be just what you need during the transitionary time after a divorce.

Be safe

Though picking up a random guy at a bar isn’t out of the question, it’s not as safe as scoring with a guy who is a friend of a friend. Ask a girlfriend to hook you up and let her know what you are looking for: A hot guy who doesn’t want a commitment.

Don’t get drunk

Have a cocktail to take the edge off, but don’t overdo it. When you are intoxicated, you let your guard down, and bad things can happen. A little tipsy is OK; falling down drunk is not.

Get a little wild

Is there anything you ever wanted to do with your husband but thought was a little too kinky? Do it now! One-night stands are all about your pleasure; it doesn’t matter what he thinks of you. Just remember: Always use condoms. No one-night stand is worth an STD or unwanted pregnancy.


Kick him out

If you have your one-night stand at your place, kick him out when you are done. Don’t let him stay overnight. It will be awkward in the morning, or worse yet, you’ll feel obligated to see him again.

Don’t romanticize it

A one-night stand isn’t about romance; it’s about sex. Your “relationship” might last a total of a couple hours, then you’ll never see him again. Don’t let your mind wander about the future with this guy. Go into it with no expectations, and you won’t be disappointed.

Though an ongoing series of one-night stands can leave you feeling empty and unloved, a one-night stand may be just what you need right after a divorce. Embrace your newly found singlehood and enjoy yourself!

More one-night stands & hookups:

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