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How to make more time for each other

Chances are you both lead fast-paced lives with barely enough time to steal a kiss as you head out the door. If you’re having trouble finding alone time, check out our tips for making more time for each other.

How to make more time for each other

Don’t discount the quickie

Having lots of time for sex is ideal, but don’t underestimate the power of a quickie. The intensity and need for speed can make for a surprisingly enjoyable experience for the time-strapped twosome. Grab him before he leaves for work or in between coming home and having to leave again for a social event.

Schedule a date night

As cliché as it may sound, having a date night posted on the calendar is a great way to ensure you’ll make time to be together. Plus, knowing the date is on the horizon means you both have something to look forward to.

Make the mundane more fun

It’s easy to discount trips to the grocery store or running errands as wasted time together. But being in the car on the way somewhere, or wandering around the mall can be great times to catch up on each other’s lives. You don’t have to be sitting at a candlelit table to have a great talk. Just forget you’re in the grocery store and use the time you do have to your advantage.

Real couples chime in

We took an informal poll of couples we know to find out how they make the most of hectic schedules to squeeze in more alone time.

Of the couples we surveyed (ranging in age between 25 and 34) the number one strategy for making more time for each other (as we suggested above) was scheduling a date night. While most tried to make it a weekly occurance, all said planning a date night at least once a month was a must for staying close.

Most of the couples we surveyed also rely on technology to keep them close and up-to-date on each other’s lives. They email and text daily (even those who live together) and send everything from updates on how a meeting or presentation went to making suggestions for weekend plans to figuring out what to have for dinner.

A select group of couples made an effort to “get out of the city together,” as often as possible, as one couple suggested, but most couples agreed that going out of town wasn’t an easy option amidst busy schedules.

How do you and your parter stay close and make time for each other? We want to know! Share with us in the comments section below.

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