Have you lost that loving feeling? Can you remember the last time you gave your guy a hug? It might be time for an intimacy tune-up for your twosome. Read on for some simple ways to increase the closeness in your relationship.
Make time To talk about the relationship
When was the last time you sat down and seriously talked about how you feel about your relationship? If it’s been a while, set aside an evening — ideally a weekend so you’re not frazzled and stressed about work — and discuss what’s great and not so great. Things might come up that you don’t want to hear, but any time spent talking openly and honestly about your twosome is time well spent and can only strengthen your bond.
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Give each other some space
This may seem counterproductive, but giving each other space can make room for intimacy. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, do something solo. Hit the gym or go out for dinner with a friend while he stays home and vice versa. When you do see each other, you should be refreshed and more inclined to intimacy.
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Don’t discount hugs, cuddles & kisses
Small signs of affection are the cornerstones of intimacy. Putting some effort into hugging, kissing, touching and cuddling can do wonders to boost your mood and his. Yes, sex is great (and we’re getting to that), but little love gestures are important for boosting your bond and feeling connected.
Have slowed-down sex
Rather than a quickie or your usual rushed romp, try and slow things down. Spend time looking into each other’s eyes, softly touching and enjoying extended foreplay. This kind of attention to detail during sex can make things more satisfying for both of you and create some serious intimacy.
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A few more ways to increase intimacy
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