Summer flings can be one of the best things about the humid, hazy months ahead, but what if your hot hook up starts to feel a little more like the real thing? If you think your sexy summer lover could have some post-vacation potential we have some words of wisdom for you. Check out our tips for keeping your new guy close — without being labeled a summertime stalker.
Don’t push it
Your hot, new love needs time to grow so the last thing you want to do is smother the flame by getting too close, too early. This means avoiding the temptation to over-text, resisting the urge to phone him all the time, not sharing too much personal info right away and not expecting him to spend every waking minute with you. For now it’s a fling – hot, carefree, more about sex than meeting for coffee or going shopping together – you get the idea. So rather than trying too hard and hoping to turn your hook up into dating material right away, slow down and have fun.
Keep things fresh
Summer is the perfect time to keep things fresh when it comes to seeing someone new. There’s SO much to see and do so boredom is really not an option. Beach days, pool parties, baseball games, BBQs – the fun in the sun is endless. Plus as the summer- and your hook up – really heat up, think about taking a road trip. Nothing is sexier than packing up and driving out of town with your summer fling for a hot weekend away. Let your hook up be a fantasy until you decide to turn it into something more. It may get serious, but the best way to make that happen is to take it one fun, fabulous day at a time.
Be spontaneous
Keep your hot hook up interested all summer long (and hopefully beyond) by being spontaneous. Nothing keeps a guy on his toes more than a girl who knows how to surprise him. Trust us, he’ll keep coming back for more – and more – if you play your cards right and come up with some interesting ideas that will make him stand up and take notice. Surprise him with sex (anywhere and everywhere), do something totally kitschy but perfect for summer like going to the drive in (mega make out opportunity), having a romantic picnic in the park or suggesting an evening of skinny dipping.
Play a little hard to get
One of the best ways to prolong your summer fling (if you’re feeling like there’s more to it than just hooking up) is to play hard to get. Don’t give him the cold shoulder or confuse him by being completely into him one minute and then not returning his calls for a week. Be subtle about it and just don’t be at his beck and call. Instead, have other things to do some of the time, rather than being willing to drop everything every time he texts. You’re going to want to spend a lot of time with him – we totally get it – but if you want make it last, try to keep things hot by being a bit hard to get hold of.
Enjoy yourself – its summer!
If you’re genuinely having fun, and not worrying about how to keep your summer guy on the hook past Labour Day, your enjoyment will show and be contagious. He’ll pick up on the fact you’re a carefree, fun loving person – two things that guys really gravitate towards, and ideally he’ll start thinking of you as more than just some hot weather fun. The key is to avoid over-thinking the great time you’re having (right now, in the moment) and just enjoy yourself. The rest will follow if it’s meant to be.
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