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Throwing a divorce party: What you need to know

The latest trend in celebrations is capping off your divorce with a post-split bash. It may seem unconventional or even downright tacky, but if you and your ex separated amicably and you want to show your friends and family that things are OK between you, why not throw a divorce party? We’ve got some great tips for hosting your own breakup-inspired bash.


Where you host your divorce party can be tricky. If you’ve split, you’re likely not living in the same house so who gets hosting duties? You can flip a coin, choose whomever’s space is biggest (or most conducive to a party) or better yet, rent a space. Opting for neutral territory is probably your best bet – either an event space or a section of a much-loved bar or restaurant works well and that way, no one has to worry about setting up or cleaning up post-party.


Some people you invite might be caught off guard when they get an invite to a divorce party, even those that are closest to you. With that in mind, it’s important to send out your invites with enough advance warning that guests have a chance to wrap their heads around the idea and get back to you with any questions or concerns. What you include in the invitation by way of explanation is also important. Keep it light – explain that just because you couldn’t live together doesn’t mean you don’t care about each other or that you can’t opt for something humorous or tongue-in-cheek. But make sure to explain to guests why you’re doing what you’re doing so they’re more comfortable about the situation.


Obviously, the theme of your party is divorce but it’s a good idea to go one step further and choose a more specific theme for your event. This will make things more interesting and get guests more involved. We love the idea of having guests come as famous former couples – the possibilities are endless: Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee, Madonna and Guy Ritchie, Elizabeth Taylor and any one of her many exes, J. Lo and Marc Anthony, Sandra Bullock and Jesse James or Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise. Tell guests to get creative!

Make a game out of your theme and have everyone guess who each of the couples in attendance has come as. You can set up a question and answer period and have each ill-fated famous couple come to the front where everyone else asks them questions about their history until someone guesses their identities correctly. Winner gets a prize.

Food & drinks

Your best course of action is to have your event catered so neither one of you has to lift a finger. A cocktail party where guests can mix and mingle with each other and you and your ex is best (rather than a sit down dinner) so either hire a few waiters to circulate with drinks and bite-size appetizers or set up a small buffet of simple but elegant eats. Depending on the time of year, you could theme your food and drink around an event (Halloween, Christmas) or season (BBQ bash for summer, harvest party for fall) and serve cocktails and snacks according to your chosen theme.

Serve a signature drink as guests arrive so they feel welcome. Having a tray or several trays of something inviting is a great way to help everyone relax and start mingling.

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