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Flirting tips we can learn from the boys

Not all guys flirt successfully (as in, end up with your number or a date for next week), but the ones that do have some tried and true flirting techniques that seem to work. With that in mind, we want to look at some of the most important flirting tips we can borrow from the boys.

Be bold

When guys flirt, they often don’t hold anything back. They don’t play coy about what they’re doing and they make it pretty clear they’re into you right from the start. Being bolder when you flirt may seem scary, but it can also make the whole process easier. The bolder you are, the more of an impression you’ll make on whoever’s attention you want to get. You don’t have to go entirely outside of your comfort zone and act like a totally different version of yourself, but do be forward. Men often flirt in a very upfront way and as long as they’re also being polite and charming, they usually get pretty good results, so we say take a page from their playbook and see what happens!

Be funny

Using humor when you flirt is another effective flirting technique to borrow from the boys. Making someone laugh is a huge icebreaker and something that immediately connects the two of you. Men often use humor when they flirt and it always seems to at least spark conversation, which is the first step in seeing if there’s anything between you and the person you’re flirting with. Shake off your inhibitions and show off your quick wit with the next guy you’re interested in. Chances are he’ll appreciate your way with words, and if you keep him laughing, you’ll have him hooked.

Be confident

Confidence is key when you flirt and guys seem to have this down pat. The more confident you are, the better your chances at making a meaningful connection with that cute guy who goes to your gym or who you always see at your favorite coffee shop. People respond positively to confidence and the more positive your response from cute coffee shop guy or tall, dark and handsome gym hunk, the more fun you’ll have. The number one thing to remember about flirting is that it’s supposed to be fun! Think about the last time you were (successfully) flirted with – we’re willing to bet the guy doing the flirting was self-assured and assertive. Take a lesson from guys like that and add confidence to your list of flirting musts.

Be playful

For some reason, guys of all ages equate teasing with flirting. Little boys in elementary school pull hair, push and chase girls they like all in the name of love. Older guys make fun, joke at our expense and act silly just to get our attention. While it may not seem like your style, being playful is a great way to get a guy to take notice. Like using humor, playfulness also puts people at ease and makes flirting even more fun.

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