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The BFF brigade: Top 4 friends every girl needs

We all need friends; there’s no doubt about that, but not just anyone will do. Just like there are certain people you don’t want in your life – who are a drain on your energy or a bad influence – there are also the people you should have in your life. This is especially true when it comes to friends. With that in mind, we put together a list of the four types of friends every girl needs.

The cheerleader

Everyone needs a cheerleader; someone who will encourage them to go after what they want, to try new things and accomplish goals. This is someone who will tell you it’s going to be okay when things go wrong and make sure you know she’s in your corner no matter what. Whether you get the job, don’t get the job, get the guy or don’t get the guy, the cheerleader will be your support system no matter the situation. She will be there with a smile on her face and some words of encouragement to help boost your mood when you need it most.

The listener

The listener is your sounding board and the person you go to when you have a problem that needs working out or a decision you’re having trouble making. This person won’t make the conversation about them or be checking their phone every three seconds to see if they have a text. They will give you their full attention, offer advice if they can and otherwise just let you vent or unload whatever’s on your mind. We all need someone in our life we can turn to when we have to get something off our chest, reveal a secret or simply need an opinion from someone we trust – for this, the listener is your girl.

The realist

This is the friend who tells it like it is. If you ask her whether or not she thinks you and your ex should get back together, she’ll say no rather than sugar coat the situation. She doesn’t beat around the bush and she will be honest with you about your life and the decisions you make. At times it might feel as if she’s too honest, but it’s important to have someone in your life who isn’t going to lead you astray or say they stand behind a bad decision you’re about to make. The realist is your reality check and the person you can really trust to be (brutally) honest with you no matter what. And yes, she will tell you those jeans make your butt look big rather than just nod, smile and tell you to buy them.

The go-getter

We all need motivation – to try new things, go for the job that seems out of reach and ask out the guy who seems out of our league. The go-getter does all of these things. She’s traveled (solo), asked for the promotion (and got it), won races, dated interesting men and showed how confident she is in countless situations. Having a friend who can show you how to go after what you want is important because it spurs you on to be a better person and get more out of life. It might be scary and you may not want to do everything she does (you are your own person after all), but if she can inspire you to conquer some fears along the way – all the better.

More about friendship

Friends are good for your health
5 Rules for investing in your friendships
4 Ways to make new friends

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