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Sexy summer nights: Keep sex exciting as the temperature rises

Every relationship goes through ups and downs where sex is concerned, but a slump between the sheets doesn’t have to get you down.

This summer, spice things up! Follow our strategies for getting back on track and making the bedroom a place for anything but sleep.

Build anticipation

Don’t discount the power of building anticipation when it comes to making improvements to your sex life this summer. Make sex more fun by taking turns planning a night devoted to the other person and then creating excitement around what’s to come. Rather than just doing the same old thing in bed, devote separate nights to focusing on a different partner’s needs and then talk to each other during the day about your plans for the other (or send emails and texts). The idea is to elevate the experience and turn it into something exciting.

Talk about what you want

One of the best ways to pull your sex life out of a summer slump is to talk about it. Communication is key in every aspect of a relationship — especially sex. It becomes very difficult to have a fulfilling sex life if talking about sex is taboo and you and your partner are in the dark about how the other feels. Make improvements by having a talk with your partner about what you want in the bedroom. It can be awkward at first, but the end result is worth any discomfort you felt getting the conversation started.

Take a more active role

Taking a more active role is a great way to jumpstart your sex life. Be bold and initiate things yourself instead of waiting for something to happen. Many people wait for their partner to start things and that can lead to night after night of nothing. It shouldn’t fall on the shoulders of one person to always initiate sex — that’s a lot of pressure. Take turns being the instigator so no one feels like they’re always the one trying to start something in the bedroom.

Rev up the romance

Sex and romance go hand in hand, so make an effort to be more romantic. Make sure your alone time or date night is about just the two of you — not the kids, not the chores that didn’t get done. Make the time special. Revving up the romance also means doing nice things for one another and putting a focus on romance in your daily life (not just special occasions) as a way to get closer.

More sex tips and advice

3 Unique ways to boost your libido
Top 3 ways to make sex more interesting
Drop what you’re doing and make more time for sex

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