Whenever something is left unattended, it has a way of getting unhealthy: gardens, dishes, bills — you name it! Relationships are no exception.
Although a romantic relationship should never be a chore, it still needs its own attention to keep it healthy — regular “tune-ups,” if you will. Here are my four keys that will keep your relationship from breaking down.
Don’t underestimate the value of looking at a calendar together. Are you stretching your energies too thin with social events or are you not making enough space in the workweek to play? Take half an hour a week to look at your commitments, decide your RSVPs, and plan when you’ll take downtime.
This is one of the best ways to build rapport as a duo. Whether it’s a dinner party you co-host or a fence you install in your yard together, do things as a team on a regular basis. Guys especially tend to bond over shared activities. Love and trust will flourish when you find ways to collaborate.
It isn’t always easy to remember to say thank you — or to squeeze his hand, look him in the eye, and say how much his listening ear meant after your bad day at the office. But this builds affection and appreciation, and that stuff pulls you through the hard times. If my man is feeling loved and encouraged, virtually anything is possible for us. If he’s down in the dumps, it’s like telling a brick wall to dance.
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This one is important, so listen up! No matter how outgoing either of you might be, you need time that’s just for the two of you. If you both get too busy, a melt-down/fight is inevitable. You need regular time where you can recharge by relaxing with a book or a movie or puttering around the house doing a project. Agree to block out an evening or weekend slot for this, and make sure you can both agree on it so that one of you doesn’t schedule over it.
A nurtured love life runs like a well-oiled machine that’s prepared for the bumps in the road and the steep climbs uphill. What part of your relationship needs a tune-up?
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