Who needs to go out? Everything you need for a great night out can be done at home. Plus, it can all be done in your pajamas. Skip long lines and heavy drink prices. Grab your guy and head to the living room for a night in.
Pick your theme
Maybe you’ve always wanted to break out that ’60s style Mad Men dress but haven’t yet found a venue. Make your own party at home perfectly suited (get it?) for your desired theme. Have him dress up as Don Draper, because what could possibly be sexier? Choose the theme you desire and you’ll always have a good time. It’s the perfect way to get away. Summertime in winter? Crank up the heat and put on that bikini. Christmas in July? We know you have that ugly sweater Aunt Helga gave you last Christmas. Find your theme and live out your fantasy.
In your skivvies
Here’s something you could never pull off in public — your clothes! Hey, he loves you in as little clothing as possible, so strip down and do your normal date night routine. Make dinner, drink wine, watch a movie. It’s all the fun of a night in, but with a supersexy twist. Heck, maybe by the end of the night you’ll strip down even further.
At-home dance
It has all the intimacy of a club without the downside of slipping in spilled drinks. Rehash the days of the high school dance. Turn down the lights, turn up the music and be sure to dance two feet apart. Just kidding! Getting close is the point, and what better way to get close to your guy than dancing in your own private gala?
Those people at the bar don’t want to hear your rendition of “I Will Always Love You” as you look longingly into each other’s eyes anyway, so do it in the privacy of your own home. Buy some karaoke tapes and belt it out. Be silly, be daring, be romantic, but above all, be yourself! There’s nothing quite like letting completely loose with your best friend, so go wild.
Trivia night
Hey, you’re not afraid to look stupid in front of the person who knows you best, so why not test your knowledge? Break out your favorite trivia game and make up your own rules. Wrong answer? Remove one article of clothing. Right answer? Choose your own reward. We’re warning you, it might get a little sexy, so proceed with caution.
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