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50 Things I wish I’d known in college

If you could do college all over again, how would you do it differently? What is it you wish you would have known?

Readers weigh in

If you could do college all over again, how would you do it differently? What is it you wish you would have known?

Looking back, I would have enjoyed myself a bit more in college. I studied constantly… and while I did make some lifelong friends, I definitely didn’t live it up, by any means. Studying came first — always. My grades were great, but I’m pretty certain I still would have landed the same job after graduating regardless of my near-perfect GPA. College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and looking back, I would have cherished it more… by having a little more fun! Here, readers share what they wish they would have known in college.


I wish I would have really understood my student loans. I would have tried harder to earn more scholarships if I really understood how much money I’d have to pay back. — Tiffany


Careers and opportunities are endless. The world is much bigger then when you’re in college! — Erica


Don’t sign up for every credit card offer that comes your way. — Corey


How important it was to develop and nurture relationships with classmates. — Shane


Specialize. It’s better to be the best at one thing than to be really good at a lot of things. — Celine


Your success hinges on the value of your relationships: both personal and business. — Sharon


You teach others how to treat you. If you don’t value yourself, others won’t either. — Sharon


Grades are not the most important thing. When interviewing for jobs, I was rarely asked about my GPA. — Caitlin


How beneficial unpaid internships were. It’s harder to have an unpaid internship once you enter the real world. — Tiffany


Dream big and plan accordingly. — Tiffany


That being an English major only qualified me to teach other people how to be an English major. — Mike


Give everyone a chance. Don’t waste the opportunity to meet tons of interesting people by sticking to your own type. — Crystal


Take some classes outside of your comfort zone. — Crystal


I should have chosen a career rather than just coasting… taking classes that were easy for me. — Terri.


I’m not made to sit behind a desk. — Candice


Being perfect isn’t important. Have fun and relax. — Judy


That it was OK to not know what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be when I grew up. It’s the journey and the experience that mattered. — Nancy


Keep in touch with all of my professors, not just the ones specific to my major. — Eartha


There will always be more guys to date. — Mary


Always save 10 percent of my income. — Mary


To do more research about how much money you can make with certain majors. — Chad


Begin building your career today. — Lennay


I should have enjoyed more of each moment instead of rushing to the next thing. Still learning this one! — Tiffany


Not to be in such a rush to get out and start a career. College is a lot more fun, so enjoy every day and class that you take. — Paige

Degrees that pay: 10 Majors that lead to higher salaries >>


I wish I would had gone abroad for a year. — Laurel


Have a bucket of toiletries and flip-flops for showering. — Loring


You probably won’t be friends with the people you meet during your first week of school. — Caroline


That it’s not about being smart, it’s about being disciplined enough to get through. — Nadege


Books don’t equal real-life experiences. — Andrew


The importance of internships! — Sandy


I wish I would have looked into more scholarships and learned how to invest. — Harrine


Study what you want to study. Take advice in stride. — Lisa


You won’t be able to stay up all night to finish things forever. Learn time management skills. — Heather


That what happened in the film Taken can happen in the real world, and my father is not Liam Neeson. — Karri


How important it is to network and the art of small talk. — Linda


That I should take in the sights, not just the bars, when traveling abroad. — Karri


I wish I knew and understood that I could be myself. Instead, I focused on dressing like the other girls because I wanted the attention. — Vannessa


To learn as much as possible and always ask questions. I basically breezed through and wish I had taken the time to learn more. — Katie


Begging for forgiveness beats begging for permission. — Sharon


I wish I knew about God and that He had a plan for my life. — Terri


Life is about serving, not accumulating. — Nancy


Explore and experiment more. — Yun


To take advantage of summer and winter break courses. If you can give yourself a lighter load during the regular semester, you can take on more internship opportunities. — Caitlyn


Things that happen during college will be long forgotten and a lot of what happened before then (both good and bad) is meaningless. — Jayne


I wish someone told me that those were the best days of my life while I was actually living them! — Michelle


I wish I focused more on my grades and friendships rather than trying to find the person I was going to marry. — Gina


To take classes that you like instead of taking classes you feel you should be taking. — Angela


That all the guys I dated wouldn’t matter… I’d meet and marry my dream guy soon enough. — Christina


You will be a gushy grandmother one day no matter how cool you think you are. — Sharon


Tell those whom you love how much they mean to you… and often. — Sharon

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