If you could do college all over again, how would you do it differently? What is it you wish you would have known?
Readers weigh in
Looking back, I would have enjoyed myself a bit more in college. I studied constantly… and while I did make some lifelong friends, I definitely didn’t live it up, by any means. Studying came first — always. My grades were great, but I’m pretty certain I still would have landed the same job after graduating regardless of my near-perfect GPA. College is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and looking back, I would have cherished it more… by having a little more fun! Here, readers share what they wish they would have known in college.
I wish I would have really understood my student loans. I would have tried harder to earn more scholarships if I really understood how much money I’d have to pay back. — Tiffany
Careers and opportunities are endless. The world is much bigger then when you’re in college! — Erica
Don’t sign up for every credit card offer that comes your way. — Corey
How important it was to develop and nurture relationships with classmates. — Shane
Specialize. It’s better to be the best at one thing than to be really good at a lot of things. — Celine
Your success hinges on the value of your relationships: both personal and business. — Sharon
You teach others how to treat you. If you don’t value yourself, others won’t either. — Sharon
Grades are not the most important thing. When interviewing for jobs, I was rarely asked about my GPA. — Caitlin
How beneficial unpaid internships were. It’s harder to have an unpaid internship once you enter the real world. — Tiffany
Dream big and plan accordingly. — Tiffany
That being an English major only qualified me to teach other people how to be an English major. — Mike
Give everyone a chance. Don’t waste the opportunity to meet tons of interesting people by sticking to your own type. — Crystal
Take some classes outside of your comfort zone. — Crystal
I should have chosen a career rather than just coasting… taking classes that were easy for me. — Terri.
I’m not made to sit behind a desk. — Candice
Being perfect isn’t important. Have fun and relax. — Judy
That it was OK to not know what I wanted to do or what I wanted to be when I grew up. It’s the journey and the experience that mattered. — Nancy
Keep in touch with all of my professors, not just the ones specific to my major. — Eartha
There will always be more guys to date. — Mary
Always save 10 percent of my income. — Mary
To do more research about how much money you can make with certain majors. — Chad
Begin building your career today. — Lennay
I should have enjoyed more of each moment instead of rushing to the next thing. Still learning this one! — Tiffany
Not to be in such a rush to get out and start a career. College is a lot more fun, so enjoy every day and class that you take. — Paige
Degrees that pay: 10 Majors that lead to higher salaries >>
I wish I would had gone abroad for a year. — Laurel
Have a bucket of toiletries and flip-flops for showering. — Loring
You probably won’t be friends with the people you meet during your first week of school. — Caroline
That it’s not about being smart, it’s about being disciplined enough to get through. — Nadege
Books don’t equal real-life experiences. — Andrew
The importance of internships! — Sandy
I wish I would have looked into more scholarships and learned how to invest. — Harrine
Study what you want to study. Take advice in stride. — Lisa
You won’t be able to stay up all night to finish things forever. Learn time management skills. — Heather
That what happened in the film Taken can happen in the real world, and my father is not Liam Neeson. — Karri
How important it is to network and the art of small talk. — Linda
That I should take in the sights, not just the bars, when traveling abroad. — Karri
I wish I knew and understood that I could be myself. Instead, I focused on dressing like the other girls because I wanted the attention. — Vannessa
To learn as much as possible and always ask questions. I basically breezed through and wish I had taken the time to learn more. — Katie
Begging for forgiveness beats begging for permission. — Sharon
I wish I knew about God and that He had a plan for my life. — Terri
Life is about serving, not accumulating. — Nancy
Explore and experiment more. — Yun
To take advantage of summer and winter break courses. If you can give yourself a lighter load during the regular semester, you can take on more internship opportunities. — Caitlyn
Things that happen during college will be long forgotten and a lot of what happened before then (both good and bad) is meaningless. — Jayne
I wish someone told me that those were the best days of my life while I was actually living them! — Michelle
I wish I focused more on my grades and friendships rather than trying to find the person I was going to marry. — Gina
To take classes that you like instead of taking classes you feel you should be taking. — Angela
That all the guys I dated wouldn’t matter… I’d meet and marry my dream guy soon enough. — Christina
You will be a gushy grandmother one day no matter how cool you think you are. — Sharon
Tell those whom you love how much they mean to you… and often. — Sharon
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