Take those family movie nights to the next level by inviting your friends and family over for a movie premiere party — in your backyard!
Summer is here — don’t waste the nice weather watching all of your movies inside. If you have a laptop and a subscription to Netflix, you can screen a huge selection of family-friendly movies in your backyard, under the stars.
The screen
You have tons of choices when it comes to a screen. You can purchase or rent an actual outdoor screen, or set up an inflatable one. You can also make do with what you’ve got and use a simple white sheet like they did over at Houseography. A simple sheet clipped to the gutters of the garage set the scene for the perfect outdoor movie-viewing area.
Image credit: Houseography
The seating
If you want to go for the basics, all you really need to do it set up a few chairs and some blankets. Guests can even bring their own chairs if you specify it on the invitation. Don’t be afraid to mix things up a bit, though, like they did over at So Wonderful, So Marvelous. They put out an inflatable bed so the little ones could really get comfortable.
Image credit: So Wonderful, So Marvelous
The snacks
It’s not a movie without the snacks! Your guests will be thrilled as long as there’s something to much on, so the choices are yours.
Go the conventional route like they did at The Tomkat Studio, and set up a full concession area for your guests. Theirs was complete with several types of popcorn and a wide variety of candy. Your guests will be floored by a presentation like this!
Image credit: The Tomkat Studio
You might also consider embracing the outdoorsy theme like they did over at My Life at Playtime. They set up a s’mores station and gave each guest their own basketful of all of the ingredients needed for roasting s’mores.
Image credit: My Life at Playtime
Finally, The Decorated Cookie really set the bar high with popcorn cookies. Want to make some of these beauties for your guests? Head on over to the site for a complete tutorial.
Image credit: The Decorated Cookie
Don’t forget the extras
Do a little something extra to make sure yours is a party your guests never forget. The blogger over at Organizing as a Parent set a great example by creating cars out of cardboard boxes so the little ones could pretend to be at a drive-in.
Image credit: Organizing as a Parent
Start the party off right! Include a movie “ticket” with every invite and have someone take tickets at the door.
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