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Fun rock crafts for kids

Craft supplies don’t have to be expensive or even come from a store. With a little creativity your child can make amazing crafts out of simple rocks from the backyard!

3-D rock crafts

What you’ll need:

  • rocks (medium and small)
  • craft paint
  • paintbrush
  • super glue
  • markers

What you’ll do:

1. Use super glue to glue the rocks together to form the body of your 3-D rock animal. Use the medium-sized rocks to form the body and the head, and smaller rocks for feet, eyes, nose, ears, etc.
2. Once the glue is dry, paint the rocks the color of the animal you are making.

3. After the paint has dried, add features such as the eyes, nose and mouth with markers.

Storytelling rock crafts

What you’ll need:

  • rocks
  • paper
  • printer
  • scissors
  • Mod Podge
  • paintbrush

What you’ll do:

1. Use a word processing program to print out a variety of clip art images. Print out one image for each rock.

2. Print out the images, then cut them out with scissors.

3. Paint a thin layer of Mod Podge on the surface of each rock, then press the printed clip art image onto the rock.

4. Add another layer of Mod Podge over the clip art image and allow the Mod Podge to dry.

5. Once the Mod Podge has dried, put all of the rocks into a box or a drawstring bag.

6. Have children tell stories by pulling the rocks out one by one and incorporating each image into the story.

Melted crayon rock crafts

What you’ll need:

  • rocks
  • an oven
  • cookie sheet
  • aluminum foil
  • crayons

What you’ll do:

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

2. While the oven is heating, peel the paper off of the crayons you plan to use.

3. Lay a piece of aluminum foil on top of a cookie sheet and place the rocks on top of it.

4. Warm the rocks in the oven for 15 minutes.

5. Have an adult carefully remove the rocks from the oven and place them on a heat-proof surface.

6. Draw on the rocks with crayons and watch as the wax melts onto the surface. Caution — be very careful with this step because the rocks will be hot.

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