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20 Indoor activities to do with the family

With the weather set to start cooling down, why not take your family fun inside?

Take it inside

With the weather set to start cooling down, why not take your family fun inside?

Create your own circus

You don’t have to be a lion tamer or flamethrower to host a good old-fashioned circus right in your own home. Find out how to create your own family circus.


Make time for bonding

Bond through making a special breakfast together, engaging in sensory play or tackling a home project. Read on for more ways to bond with your family this weekend.


Pizza party

Everyone in the family will love a fun pizza party with unique pizza designs and combinations. Add creating your own DIY apron to the fun, and you and your family are ready for pizza party time.


Read together

Reading is a great way to spend time with your kids while engaging them in learning. Read to them every night and check out more things to do every night before bed.


Make a play pillow

Have a family slumber party, and just for the occasion, create a DIY slumber party pillow.


Get crafty with crayons

Gather up all those old, broken crayons and create new ones with this DIY craft.


Game night

The whole family can get involved in family game night. It allows the kids to practice skills like taking turns, being a good sport and strategic thinking — in a fun way. But before you get started, make sure you have all the family game night essentials.


Strike up a conversation

Just spending time talking with your kids can help you bond with them and really get to know who they are becoming as they grow up. Get inspired with these quick conversation starters for families.


Play make-believe

Enjoy doing simple things with your kids like playing make-believe or having a pretend tea party. Read up on the importance of imaginary play.


DIY photo session

Instead of going to a photo studio or hiring a pricey photographer, take your own professional-style family photos with these tips on how to get the most out of your camera.


Host an Asian fusion night

Introduce your kids to the foods and traditions of Asian culture by hosting an Asian fusion family dinner night.


Reconnect with one another

If it has been a while since you’ve bonded with your kids, take some time to help your family reconnect.


Play math games

Sneak some education into your indoor family activities with these six tips to make math more fun.


Motivate your kids to learn

Make homework and after-school education fun for your kids with these tips to motivate your children to learn.


Host a Mexican fiesta

Don’t wait until Cinco de Mayo to celebrate Mexican culture — host a Mexican fiesta.


Make a family T-shirt

Getting the whole family to match is easy and fun with this tutorial on how to make a family shirt.


Teach your kids about nutrition

Get into the kitchen and teach your kids the importance of child nutrition.


Cut coupons

Make saving money a family affair with these tips to teach your kids to be frugal.


Family dinner

Moms, did you know that sitting down to a family dinner can help reduce your stress? According to a 2008 study by researchers at Brigham Young University and IBM workers, sitting down to a family meal helped working moms reduce the tension and strain from long hours at the office. For a supper that benefits the whole family, check out these ideas for creating a family meal together.


Host a dinner party

You don’t have to miss out on hosting dinner parties — or call the sitter — just because you and your friends have kids. Invite your children to help you throw a successful — and kid-friendly — dinner party with these eight tips for including your children when hosting.

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