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Clothespin kitty cat craft

This adorable cat-themed plant holder can be customized to whatever theme your preschooler holds dear to her heart. Not raising a crazy cat lady? Use any picture your child likes to make this project all about her — perhaps even some of her own artwork!

Calling all
future cat ladies!

This adorable cat-themed plant holder can be customized to whatever theme your preschooler holds dear to her heart. Not raising a crazy cat lady? Use any picture your child likes to make this project all about her — perhaps even some of her own artwork!

Supplies needed:

  • Clean and dry empty cat food or tuna can
  • 20 wooden clothes pins
  • Picture of a cat — the image shown is free clip-art, sourced online, scaled to size, printed out and colored
  • Elmer’s® Early Learners™ Glue Stick
  • Small catnip or pet-grass plant



Choose your image

Choose the image and scale you will use — you could even use a photograph — and print it out. The image shown was trimmed to measure 2-5/8 inches, which covered seven standard-sized clothespins.


Cut the pieces

Measure, and then draw light pencil line cutting marks. Have your crafter carefully cut along the lines to create seven 3/8-inch strips.


Glue, glue, glue

Using the Elmer’s® Early Learners™ Glue Stick, adhere the strips of paper to each of the clothespins. The glue stick is purple, but dries totally clear — which makes it easier to see where you’ve applied the glue to ensure great glue coverage.


Assemble the planter

Line up your picture like a puzzle and clip each of the clothespins right next to each other around the tuna can. A standard-sized can will accommodate 20 pins perfectly. Your preschooler may need your assistance with the last clothespin, as it is kind of a tight fit. Place a small catnip or pet-grass plant in the center of the pins. Your cat — and cat lover — will delight in this one-of-a-kind project!

More kitty-themed projects

How to make felt mice toys for cats
Kitty craft: Cats rule, dogs drool
Building your own cat furniture

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