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4 Outer space crafts for kids!

You can explore the galaxy without leaving the house! Plan an afternoon of fun that’s also educational with these great outer space-themed crafts for kids.

Button solar system craft


  • 8 Buttons, assorted sizes
  • Craft sticks
  • 2-inch wooden circle
  • Craft paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Glue


  1. Paint the wood circle yellow to represent the sun.
  2. While the sun dries, paint the buttons different colors to represent the planets. If you prefer, you can skip this step and just use multi-colored buttons.
  3. Paint 8 craft sticks a dark color such as navy blue or black.
  4. Glue one of the buttons to the end of each craft stick.
  5. Break the craft sticks down into various lengths to represent the distance of each planet from the sun.
  6. Glue the craft sticks to the back of the sun.

3-D moon craft


  • Flour
  • White paint
  • Mixing bowl
  • Paper bowl
  • Rounded objects such as spoons and bottle caps


  1. Stir together equal parts flour and white paint in a mixing bowl.
  2. Turn the paper bowl upside down and coat the bowl with the flour mixture.
  3. Use rounded objects such as spoons and bottle caps to make craters in the flour mixture.
  4. Allow the moon to dry for 4 to 6 hours.

Paper tube rocket craft


  • Paper towel roll
  • White construction paper
  • Red construction paper
  • Aluminum foil
  • Glue
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Orange tissue paper


  1. Wrap a piece of white construction paper around a paper towel roll and use the tape to keep it in place.
  2. Cut a 5-inch diameter circle out of the red construction paper.
  3. Cut a slit from the edge of the circle to the center of the circle. Overlap the edges of the circle at the slit so that it forms a cone shape. Tape the cone together, then trim off any overhanging paper at the bottom of the cone.
  4. Use tape to fasten the cone to one end of the rocket ship.
  5. Cut 2 strips from aluminum foil and glue them around the paper tube.
  6. Cut out 3 triangles from the red construction paper. Glue the triangles to the base of the rocket.
  7. Cut a 6-inch square piece of orange construction paper. Slide it into the bottom of the paper tube and use glue to keep it in place.

Star noodle galaxy


  • Star shaped noodles
  • Ziploc bags
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Food coloring
  • Wax paper
  • Dark construction paper
  • Glue


  1. Pour 2 to 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol into a Ziploc bag.
  2. Add in a couple drops of food coloring and shake the bag until the food coloring is well mixed with the rubbing alcohol.
  3. Add a handful of noodles to the bag, zip the bag closed and shake the bag until all of the noodles are coated with the food coloring.
  4. Pour the noodles out onto a sheet of wax paper and allow them to dry for 2 to 3 hours.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for any additional colors of star noodles.
  6. Once the noodles are dry, glue them to a dark piece of construction paper in a spiral pattern to form a galaxy.
Image credit: Amy Vowles

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