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Animal crafts you can make with your kids

Lion paper plate craft


  • Paper plate
  • Yellow marker
  • Brown, yellow and orange construction paper
  • Brown and black markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Wiggly eyes


  1. Have your youngster color the back of the paper plate with a yellow marker. It’s OK to leave the ridged edge uncolored because it will be covered with the paper mane, but let your kiddo go to town if he wants to.
  2. While your child is coloring the plate, cut even strips of brown, yellow and orange construction paper about 1 inch wide and 4 inches long. There is no right or wrong amount to cut, so long as you have enough to make it around the diameter of your plate.
  3. Next, keeping your plate facedown, run a bead of glue around the inside rim of the back of the plate and help your youngster glue 1 edge of each strip of paper along the edge of the plate to form a mane.
  4. While the mane of your lion craft is drying, cut 2 ears and a nose shape from the brown construction paper and let your kiddo glue them to the yellow part of the plate in the appropriate places.
  5. Finally, glue 2 large wiggle eyes to the lion’s face and use your brown marker to draw the details on the yellow surface to create a ferociously cute lion craft your kids will love!

Up next: Monkey craft

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