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Animal crafts you can make with your kids

Quail finger puppet craft


  • Computer and printer
  • Quail template
  • Pencil
  • Light brown, dark brown and green craft foam sheets
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Black marker


  1. Print out the quail template and lay on top of your light brown foam sheet.
  2. Next, using a firm touch without tearing through the paper, trace the body of your quail template just enough to make an impression on the form. Use the impression as a cutting guide.
  3. Using your template, lay it on top of the dark brown foam sheet and trace the wing and the head feather of the quail. Cut out along the impression with the scissors.
  4. Cut out 2 pieces of green foam that are 2 x 2-1/2-inches long. Glue along the 2 long sides to adhere the 2 piece together, but leave the top and the bottom open. Once dry, fringe-cut the top edge of the front piece only to form grass, cutting down to about 2/3 of the way down.
  5. Glue your wing and head feather to your quail’s body, then glue your animal craft to the fringed piece of foam grass.
  6. Use the black marker to draw an eye on your quail’s face and draw 2 legs under your quail’s body on the green foam and your quail finger puppet is ready for action.

Up next: Rabbit craft

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