Yak puzzle piece animal craft
- Spare puzzle piece
- Dark brown and light brown paint
- Paintbrush
- Dark brown craft foam sheet
- Scissors
- Glue
- 2 Wiggle eyes
- 2 Bendable drinking straws
- Black marker
- Find a puzzle piece with 3 knobs on it to form 2 ears and the beard of the yak craft.
- Paint the entire front of the puzzle piece dark brown.
- Next, paint the inside of the ears and the muzzle a light brown color.
- Glue the 2 wiggle eyes just above the light brown muzzle you’ve painted.
- Once you have the eyes in place, roughly measure the width of the top of your puzzle piece and cut out 2 wavy hair pieces. Keep in mind that these 2 toupees will form the long shaggy hair for which the yak is known — so make sure they don’t match up exactly. Glue them one on top of the other at the top of your puzzle piece, allowing them to slightly overlap the wiggle eyes if possible.
- Roughly measure the knob at the bottom of your puzzle piece and cut a shaggy beard shape from the brown craft form. Glue over the bottom knob of your puzzle piece.
- Finally, leaving the bendy side of your straws intact, measure out 2 horns and cut the excess with your scissors. Glue to the back of your puzzle piece behind the shaggy hairpiece. Draw on the nostrils and a smile and you won’t even recognize the puzzle piece that once was!
Up next: Zebra craft
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