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Animal crafts you can make with your kids

Horse craft for kids


  • Long cardboard tube
  • Paper lunch bag
  • Newspaper or scrap paper
  • Hot glue gun
  • Black construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Black yarn


  1. First, stuff your paper lunch bag 2/3 of the way full with recyclable paper such as newspaper.
  2. Run a few lines of hot glue around the top 2 inches of your cardboard tube and wrap the end of your stuffed lunch bag around the glued area and twist. This will keep the head of this horse craft attached to your cardboard tube stick.
  3. Then cut 2 circles from the black construction paper for the horse’s nostrils, make a small slit into 1 side of the circle to the middle, then overlap and glue to give the nostrils a more 3-dimensional look. Hot glue to the front of your horse animal craft’s muzzle.
  4. Cut 2 leaf-shaped pieces from the black construction paper for the horse’s ears, repeating the same slit, overlap and glue technique to give the ears a more realistic appearance. Attach with hot glue to the sides of your horse’s head.
  5. Then cut 20 pieces of 24-inch-long yarn and tie in knots around the neck of your cardboard tube to form a mane. Tie 2 more pieces of yarn of the same length to the top of the neck, then loop, knot and glue to the top of the horse head to form bangs for your paper bag stick horse.
  6. Finally, sketch some eyes and a smiley mouth on your fun animal craft and your paper bag horse is ready to ride!

Up next: Iguana craft

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