Just because you’re bigger and have more power, does not necessarily mean that you can do everything better than your kids. In fact, most of our kids are more skilled in a lot of different ways and we take that for granted. Here is our top 15 list of things kids do better than adults. We could all learn a thing or two about life from our kids. Who knew?
Being creative
When asked if she spilled her lemonade on the floor, my 4-year-old niece explained, “No Mom, an ant threw up.”
Learning new things
This is why educators suggest that if you want your child to be bilingual, you teach them at a very young age.
Mastering technology
My 10-month-old is already able to navigate my iPhone, my iPad and our television’s remote control. Scary.
Kids have loads of energy. If you tell a kid to clean their room, they’ll do it while eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, dancing and finger painting a masterpiece.
Adapting to change
When a big life change happens, like a cross-country move, young kids hardly flinch. They can pick right up where they left off.
Building friendships
When was the last time you sat next to a stranger at Starbucks, broke the ice by telling them you like their fuzzy sweater, held a conversation and formed a lasting friendship? Probably never.
Forgiving and not holding grudges
Few children go to bed at night and wake up remembering what made them mad the day before. That’s an endearing quality.
Having fun
Even standing in line at the DMV can be interesting to a kid.
Entertaining themselves
Give an adult a stick and they throw it in the woods. Give a kid a stick and it magically turns into a baseball bat, a sword or a pony.
Loving unconditionally
Your kids don’t care if you’re overweight, grouchy in the morning or don’t have a lot of money. They love you no matter what.
Santa Claus. Easter Bunny. Tooth fairy. ‘Nuff said.
Giving hugs
Not much is greater than a giant, heartfelt bear hug from a child.
Telling it like it is
My friend asked her daughter if she wanted to sleep at Grandma’s house and she said, “No. Nana’s mean, and so is Papa.” OK then.
Being inquisitive
There’s no better way to educate yourself than having genuine curiosity and knowing what questions to ask, who to ask and when to ask them. Kids have mastered this.
Having no shame
Playing naked in the yard, pooping in public and sporting wild “bed head” and boogers… it’s a beautiful thing.
Things we can teach our kids
Time management and organizational skills for kids
How to teach kids to effectively manage money
Fun ways to help your kids go green
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