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Say no to princesses: Strong role models for girls

Political forces

Eleanor Roosevelt

As the wife of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt was the First Lady from 1933 to 1945. As a champion of human rights, she is widely regarded as the one of the most esteemed women in the world.

Roosevelt was the first FLOTUS to hold press conferences and speak at a national convention, and she represented the U.S. as the first female delegate to the United Nations. She spoke out in support of racial equality, more work opportunities for women and the rights of World War II refugees. President Truman called Roosevelt the “First Lady of the World.”

Malala Yousafzai

Pakistani teenager Malala Yousafzai became well-known in her country when she began speaking publicly about a girl’s right to an education. Yousafzai’s activism earned her a dangerous enemy in the Taliban, which banned girls from attending school.

On her way home from school, Oct. 9, 2012, Yousafzai was shot in the head by Taliban gunmen. She survived the attack and has become the inspiration for a United Nations petition, “I am Malala,” which demands that all children worldwide be in school by the end of 2015. Yousafzai hopes to one day be a politician who will make a difference in the world…  looks like she already has!

Licia Ronzulli

Licia Ronzulli is an Italian member of the European Parliament who supports more rights for women who want to work while also raising a family. To make her point, she has brought her baby with her to Parliament sessions since September 2010, when the child was just 44 days old.

Ronzulli’s story has prompted worldwide discussion about family leave policies. Only four countries — Liberia, Papau New Guinea, Swaziland and the U.S. — have no national law requiring paid maternity leave.

Princess Diana

OK, so she was a princess, but Diana of Wales used her royal status for a great many things beyond wearing a tiara.

Princess Diana was a tremendous advocate for human rights and oversaw dozens of charities. She was recognized for her support of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and is frequently credited for the signing of the Ottawa Treaty, which created an international ban on the use of anti-personnel landmines.

Patsy Mink

Patsy Mink was the first woman of color and the first Asian-American woman elected to Congress. She served Hawaii in the U.S. House of Representatives for 12 terms and was credited for co-authoring the Title IX Amendment of the Higher Education Act (aka the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act).

Photo credits: Ivan Nikolov/, Dan Jackman/, Stephan Schraps/Future Image/, FayesVision/, Joel Ginsburg/, TNYF/, and

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