Days are shorter, and winter feels longer since it arrived earlier in most parts of the country. It’s during these dreary days of winter that many homeschool families get tired and weary from being indoors or going over the same routine day after day.
The winter blues rob us of motivation and can leave everyone feeling lazy and bored. However, we can revel in the season and use it to our advantage with a few changes in our daily routine.
Here are just a few ways to beat the winter blues.
B — Bear the cold
Embrace the season! Weather permitting, it’s always good to get outside for fresh air and a healthy dose of vitamin D. Bundle up and head outdoors for a nature walk, photo walk or venture out for an impromptu park day. Take your lessons outdoors for a much-needed change of atmosphere.
L — Loosen up
Loosening up your schedule for more child-led learning can be a good thing during the winter months. If ever there was a time to try something new, to change up lessons or get creative with activities, winter is the time! Lighten the normal academic load and let your children work on a book report or unit study together. Enjoy some extra family time with board games, arts and crafts projects or baking.
U — Unwind after the holidays
After the busyness of the holidays, it’s always good to take time to unplug and unwind. Along with exercise, we also need rest. Allow time for a daily siesta or quiet time for book reading or skip a lesson to watch a movie as a family and turn your movie into the lesson. History, science and geography can be learned with a great classic movies and lots of discussion.
E — Exercise for energy
Research shows that a little daily exercise increases the amount of serotonin in the brain and can help improve one’s mood and energy level. If going outdoors is not possible, try a daily workout you can do with the kids at home and when all else fails crank up the music and dance! Most local parks have an indoor alternative — check to see what indoor activities are available in your area.
S — Spring is just around the corner!
Don’t fret — the winter months will be over before you know it and the warmer, brighter days of spring will soon be upon us. Don’t let cabin fever settle in, fight the winter blues with the above tips to get you through the winter months and keep the winter blues at bay. The winter months are also the perfect time to re-evaluate your homeschool year and create an action plan to tackle the rest of the year.
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