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Photography tips for your sweethearts

Make it fun

Sabra McKibbon, photographer and team member over at TPW, has been married to her sweetheart for 24 years and they have five children. She admits to spending the last several years tormenting those children with her Canon DSLR.

Last year, she turned the camera on her husband in a fun series of of images. Over a period of five days, she documented several different styles as he slowly went from full-bearded to clean shaven. She told us about the experience: “He’s a ham and decided to go a little crazy with it! My tip for capturing pictures of your sweetheart is to make it fun and incorporate their ideas. Spend time together planning out the details, have a good time taking the pictures and then enjoy the memories of your photo shoot by creating an album of the images.”

Once you’ve put these fantastic Valentine’s Day photography tips to good use, be sure to visit Lynne, Jessica, Dani, Megan, Sabra and the rest of the talented team over at The Photographer Within. We’re certain they’ll leave you feeling positively inspired.

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