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Crafts for kids who can’t sit still

Embrace your kids’ boundless energy (can we have some of that, please?) and bond while doing some active crafts together. These blogger-inspired crafts-turned-activities will keep them — and you — active and having fun.

Rainbow glitter sidewalk paint

Photo credit: The Imagination Tree

This glitter paint by The Imagination Tree is super-easy to make and it washes right off the sidewalk (and kids’ skin) with a quick hose-down, so what’s not to love? Make a big batch in an array of colors and let your child paint the whole block rainbow.

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Racetrack T-shirt

Photo credit: The Winthrop Chronicles

Designed as a Father’s Day gift for dad, this fun racetrack T-shirt by The Winthrop Chronicles is a great present (and fun craft) for your active kids. They’ll have fun helping create it and then they can spend countless hours “racing” while Dad… relaxes.

4 Outer space crafts for kids >>

Paper plate marble coaster

Photo credit: Frugal Fun for Boys

Frugal Fun for Boys was inspired by Family Fun magazine to create this super-cool marble coaster with just a few paper plates, glue and random household items like toilet paper tubes and wooden blocks. Let your child help create his own coaster track with tips from this creative (and frugal) blogger.

Bubbles that bounce

Photo credit: DIY & Crafts

With DIY & Crafts‘ fun bubbles that bounce, the kids can make the all-natural solution and then be amazed by the bubbles that don’t pop when they the ground but — even better — they bounce.

Easy crafts for kids for outdoor fun >>

Office supplies racetrack

Photo credit: Kids’ Activities Blog

When your child just can’t get enough of rifling through your office supplies, go ahead and let him create a crafty multilevel parking garage like this one from Kids’ Activities Blog.

Bubble wrap stomp art

Photo credit: Mess for Less

There is not a kid around who couldn’t spend an entire day snapping that bubbled plastic wrap. Take that to the next level, and end up with a cute keepsake with Mess for Less‘ bubble wrap stomp art tutorial.

Shower curtain play mat

Photo credit: Filthy Wizardry

Inspire your kids to make their own creative “village” mapped out on a simple dollar store clear shower curtain taped to a smooth surface just as Filthy Wizardry blogger did on a rainy day.

DIY kite

Photo credit: Spoonful

Instead of telling your child to “go fly a kite,” help him make one (in just 20 minutes) and go test it out together on a breezy spring day. We love this clever (and simple) DIY tutorial from Spoonful.

More crafts and fun

Finger painting crafts kids will love
Messy (but fun!) summer crafts for the family
Plan a messy art day for your preschooler

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