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Baby names inspired by famous teachers

If you’ve ever been inspired by that one special teacher, you know how that can really change your life. These esteemed and valuable educators are perfect inspiration, then, for your own child’s name.

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Naming a child after someone the parents-to-be admire is a common practice, whether the chosen moniker comes from friends or family. Another common source for names are those who have made a difference in our lives, and a teacher is an excellent role model to name a child after. We even see this reflected in pop culture — for example, in The Walking Dead television series, doesn’t Carl name his sister Judith, after a favorite teacher?

Inspirational pedagogues

Not only are we affected by those who personally teach us and help shape our lives, but we are inspired by the great men and women who helped revolutionize teaching, or helped pave the way for others to follow in their footsteps. Maria Montessori, for example, realized over a hundred years ago that children learn better when given free range to explore, rather than being expected to sit still and learn the “traditional” way — and there are still Montessori schools that teach using her method.

If none of these names work, then think back to a teacher that made a difference in your life. If someone realized you had a skill that you didn’t know you possessed, or gave you encouragement when you needed it the most, or provided a supportive ear when you were down, then he or she may be someone you’d like to honor by bestowing their name upon your child.

The following names are of famous or otherwise notable teachers throughout history. Sometimes, the first and the last names can actually be used as an excellent name choice.

Girl names inspired by famous teachers

Alice Hamilton
Bernadine Dohrn
Christa McAuliffe
Christina Romer
Clara Barton
Elizabeth Blackwell
Emma Hart Willard
Erin Gruwell
Jane Addams
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Lisa Delpit
Maria Montessori
Michelle Rhee
Ruth Murray

Boy names inspired by famous teachers

Albert Einstein
Booker T. Washington
Charles William Eliot
Cody Lundin
Cornel West
Friedrich Fröbel
Geoffrey Canada
Henry David Thoreau
Horace Mann
Jaime Escalante
John Amos Comenius
Lyndon Johnson
Noam Chomksy
Richard Feynman
Samuel Hayakawa
William McGuffey

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