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Easy polymer clay crafts for kids

Grab a few shades of polymer clay and some colorful cording and your little one will be wearing her heart on the outside in no time with this simple and fun jewelry project.

Of course, polymer clay is fun to form into beads and string on a thread, but we’re mixing things up and putting this fun take on handmade jewelry in the palm of your hands!


  • Polymer clay in as many colors as you like
  • Cookie cutters, stamps or little thumbs
  • Cording
  • Aluminum foil
  • Toothpicks
  • Parchment or craft paper
  • At least one happy young helper


1. Clay preparation

Protect your work surface with craft or parchment paper, as polymer clay can stain. Condition the polymer clay by working it with your hands for 30 seconds. Blend colors together to your heart’s desire. Try blending just a bit for separation of colors or blend for a while to get an ombre feel. Smooth into a flat disk of uniform thickness, using the heel of your hand.

2. Get creative

Using small cookie cutters, stamps or even a thumbprint, cut and shape the clay make it your own!

3. Punch holes

Use a toothpick to create a hole through which you will string your necklace. Be sure your hole is large enough to accommodate your cording.

4. Bake and Cool

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and add your polymer creations. Bake according to package directions. We used Craft Smart clay and baked at 275 for 14 minutes. Allow to cool completely.

5. Add some cord

Cut cord to desired length, using your little one as your guide. Thread the cording through the hole. Tie a knot to secure the two ends.

More fun with clay

DIY Clay flower for milk glass vases
DIY Starfish cuff bracelet
Polymer clay Christmas ornaments

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