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How to enjoy the messiness of spring

I want my son to be fearless and brave. The last thing I want him to worry about is a few stains on his uniform.


t Spring is finally here, and thank goodness for that. Everything changes once we enter this season. Our schedules push us outdoors more because my son is part of several sports teams. No one is complaining after this past winter, believe me. But after two full days of soccer, baseball and lacrosse… you better believe that boy comes home looking like one big grass stain. Even my daughter, who isn’t part of the team but is just on the field to support them, comes home with dirt under her fingernails and all over her knees and clothing. What happens when I turn away? Life happens. Childhood happens. Fun happens. And I never tell them to be careful, because isn’t that what being a kid is all about? Getting messy and making memories? I just roll with it. All of it.

t And here’s a little secret. Before my son hits the field I give him a big hug and I whisper in his ear, “get dirty” because I want him to be the kid that goes diving for the ball. I want him to be fearless and brave. The last thing I want him to worry about is a few stains on his uniform. But after my two children are done with their baths and I am faced with the disaster that is my bathroom… I do have a slight moment of panic. Cleats on the floor with chunks of dirt and grass hanging off the bottom. Dirt handprints on my wall. It’s almost like a summer crime scene. My children would never be able to pull off a bank job. They would leave way too much evidence behind.

t Thank goodness I know how to handle it all. You can’t sweat life’s icky moments, especially when you have products like Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach on hand. A few sprays are all I need to get through the day’s grime. And believe me, my children test my ability to clean a bathroom. It’s almost as if they try to bring back as much of the park as humanly possible and then toss it all around the walls and floors for sport. Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach is perfect for messes that aren’t quite big enough to warrant pulling out your bucket but are too dirty for a regular wipe. It’s your go-to spray for life’s everyday messes. I have three kids so this pretty much means that I use Clorox on a daily basis. Look, you can’t sweat the small stuff… err… the messy stuff. Life is messy and that’s a good thing. If my children taught me anything, it’s that there’s something really special about getting your hands dirty.

t For more cleaning and laundry tips visit

tWhile all of the content on reflects the honest opinions of our Experts, Clorox did sponsor this post.

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