It has been suggested by many researchers that infancy is the foundation of development and future relationships.
Photo credit: Nikolay Suslov/iStock/360/Getty Images
t Infant development is a critical period in a person’s life. Infancy is the pathway to a human being’s future. Many individuals view this stage of development as the most important part of a person’s life. It has been suggested by many researchers that infancy is the foundation of development and future relationships.
t As soon as a mother conceives, the development of the mother-infant dyad begins to take place. There are some noticeable features in this relationship that begin as soon as an infant is born. It has been suggested that the face-to-face interaction between a mother and her newborn is an essential part of development early on. The beginning stages of establishing a father-infant relationship could have just as much of an impact on an individual’s life.
t Researchers have found that newborns can not only see, but also take in their environment from the moment they are born. They can distinguish the difference between facial expressions and also can recognize voices from very early on. This is an implication of how important parental relationships are and how quickly they form.
t Another important part of the parent-infant relationship is touch. It has been suggested by researchers that newborns and infants can be soothed by touch. Touch is the first form of interaction that takes place. Touch is already well developed when an infant is born, therefore, skin-to-skin contact will strengthen the “bond” of infants and their caregivers.
t A parent is constantly interacting with her infant and changing facial expressions, touch, and voice depending on what the infant needs in the moment. Keeping these findings in mind during the beginning stages of parenthood is essential. Understanding how an infant views the world can assist parents in becoming more in tune with the needs of their children. The stage of infancy has a strong impact on a child’s development.
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