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I’m beyond excited to join the SheKnows team!

Hey you guys! My name is Eve Vawter and I’m super excited to be your new parenting editor at SheKnows.

Getting a new job is a lot like having a newborn baby. Do I want to co-sleep with you guys? (probably), let you get your ears pierced when you are 13? (I haven’t decided yet, is your room clean?), bottle-feed you or breastfeed — OK, this is getting creepy and my analogy isn’t quite working but I’m just as nervous being your new parenting editor as I was the first time I gave birth, and someone handed me a baby and expected me to know how best to make it happy. I’m sure I’ll make some mistakes along the way, but I promise to always do my best.

We are all in this parenting mess together

Photo credit: Eve Vawter

I have been a parenting writer and editor for the last few years (coming to you from the website where I worked as EIC) and I’m extremely passionate about the topic. Parenting is hard, y’all! One thing I have always loved about writing about parenting on the internet is that the internet keeps the same hours your kids do. When one of them wakes you up at 4 a.m. demanding a glass of water, the internet is here to keep you company when you can’t fall back to sleep. Kids don’t get earaches during normal pediatrician office hours. You usually can’t wake your best friend up at midnight when you are debating whether or not to let your kid walk home from school alone. I want you to consider SheKnows as your friend that is always up and ready to debate the merits of private school versus public school and jaw about whatever latest parenting style is causing you to roll your eyes.

There is no such thing as a “perfect parent”

I have four kids and my eldest just turned 18 so I can be the first to tell you that there is no perfect way of raising kids. I believe the majority of parents in this world are good parents, and even though we may not agree on every single topic I think we are all doing our best. I love nothing more than getting to know readers and hearing your point of view on things and I’m happily anticipating a lot of fun discussions here on SheKnows. And for the rest of those parents who just aren’t good parents (you know, the ones throwing raging keggers for their kid’s sweet sixteen birthday), I have a whole lot of fun pointing fingers at those parents too.

Holler at me

One of my major goals at SheKnows this year is to increase community involvement. We want to hear from you readers about what you would like to see on the website. Got a trending story you want us to cover? Have a friend on Facebook spamming about a new parenting style you think is a mess of nonsense? Email either me at [email protected] or my brilliant associate Maria Mora at [email protected]. As far as I’m concerned, our job is to provide you guys with content that entertains, teaches you something, gives you something to think about or makes you feel less alone in this great big world of parenting. I’m so excited to be here! Now, it’s your turn; in the comments, tell me all about you.

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