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Free Printables to Help You Survive Back-to-School Time

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now — this school year won’t be a perfect one. Regardless of how many Pins you have in the obligatory “back-to-school lunches” Pinterest board and the fact that you’ve been planning your kids’ homework station for the past two months, this school year you will: be late for pickup, forget to pack your kids’ lunch or speed from drop-off to work and realize you’re still wearing your slippers. And that’s OK. It happens to the best of us.

More: A Back-to-School Clothes Checklist to Keep You From Blowing That Budget

But all those Pinterest searches weren’t for nothing. I’ve realized that the easiest way to keep my household running semi-smoothly is my household management binder. And these super-cute back-to-school pages make it easy for me to update my binder when it’s time for school to start (in two weeks. But who’s counting?). These sheets take it a step further for well-meaning moms like me who want to do all the things we see online but never get around to. (I still have “fill out years 3-5 in the baby book” on my to-do list). These pages track not only our kids’ weekly schedules, homework assignments and activities, but also include a spot to document their first and last day of school.

More: 7 Things Teachers Want You to Know Before You Send Your Kids Back to School

If you’re anything like me — stop what you’re doing (yes, now) and print these sheets and add them to your household binder. Don’t have one yet? Get started with this one and add in the school sheets. Since I only have one school-age child, I have just one section marked off for him. But feel free to print off a few copies and have a section for each of the kiddos.

If you’re reading this thinking — who needs all this? I dictate my kids’ schedules into my iPhone while simultaneously washing dishes and preparing wholesome, organic and locally grown meals — pass it on to a friend who can use it. She’ll be the one wearing slippers at the office.

Print the binder here

Originally posted July 2014. Updated August 2017.

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