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7 Back-to-school ideas I’m way too lazy to try

This week, children all over the country are trudging back in to school — but it’s not necessarily a cause for celebration.

In preparation for my daughters starting school tomorrow, I fought my way through the back-to-school crowds to spend a gazillion dollars on supplies and snacks, dutifully packed lunches and even made a half-hearted scribble on a chalkboard so I can snap the obligatory first-day-of-school picture.

But that’s as far as I go. And while I admire the incredible creativity, time, energy and attention that some mothers put into their back-to-school crafts and parties, I’m just not one of them. I’m happy that I managed to get school clothes purchased, lunch boxes labeled and kids in bed before 9:00. So I can assure you that you won’t find me attempting any of these back-to-school ideas.

The back to school party with printables

Photo credit: The Celebration Shoppe

From adorable “bookworms” to “smart cookies,” I admire this back-to-school party pack with printables, but I am also filled with something I’m pretty sure is exhaustion just thinking about attempting it.

The school-supply party

Photo credit: Merry B Events

This back-to-school party from Merry B Events suggests handing out school supplies as party favors. Not something I will be doing anytime soon, but I sure would love if my neighbors offered one. Glue sticks, anyone?

Don’t forget the bus drivers

Photo credit: Like A Pretty Petunia

This blogger isn’t letting those hard-working bus drivers be forgotten. She created a free printable to wrap around mini candy bars to show the drivers how much you “wheelie” appreciate them. Get it?

Crazy cool cookies

Photo credit: Cookie Crazie

Forget the old milk `n cookies after-school snack. These cookies are a whole lot cooler. Which is why they make the Halloween Oreos I bought look even more sad.

Keep away from children

Photo credit: Gourmet Mom On-The-Go

Would I be the coolest mom on the block if I made these edible crayons? Probably. But I’ll never know. My kids will have to settle for the old-fashioned version and nibble on real crayons. Sorry, kids.

The crayon wreath

Photo credit: Heres2uMrsRobinson

Some moms have been known to really get into the back-to-school spirit by sprucing up their homes or their children’s teachers’ classrooms with this crafted crayon wreath on Etsy. Honestly, I would be much too tempted to steal the crayons — does anyone else only have broken crayons in their house?

Bus stop brunch

Photo credit: My Life and Kids

Like this blogger, I was sobbing just thinking of sending my precious babies back to school. But unlike this blogger, I am much too lazy to host something as social and generous as a back-to-school bus stop brunch. And it’s probably better for all of us, as I would definitely be sniffling into that blueberry muffin.

More on back-to-school

Back to school: What moms care about, and what they don’t
Back-to-school teacher gift ideas: DIY chalkboard pot
“Baby Got Class” parody is your back-to-school jam

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