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Baby names from American Horror Story

Each season of the FX mega-hit, American Horror Story, presents a unique miniseries with its own set of fascinating characters. Which season will be the inspiration for your next baby name?

American Horror Story: Murder House (Season 1), which takes place in Los Angeles in 2011, follows the life of a troubled family who moves into a house that is haunted by its former occupants.

The Harmons — Ben, Vivien and Violet — move from Boston to LA to get a fresh start. Their real estate agent, Marcy, hooks them up with a house that, unbeknownst to them, has been the scene of dozens of murders and suicides. The house comes complete with Moira, a housekeeper who appears young and appealing to men but old and unattractive to women.

The family is bombarded with frequent visits from neighbors Constance, Addie and Tate, as well as the countless ghosts of the house including Chad, Patrick, Larry, Nora, Travis and Hayden. True to its reputation, the Murder House continues its legacy of death.

American Horror Story: Asylum (Season 2) takes us back to Massachusetts in 1964. The story line centers on the patients of Briarcliff Mental Institution, a home for the criminally insane.

Sister Jude and SisterMaryEunice run Briarcliff, which was founded by Monsignor Timothy. Psychiatrist Oliver and mad scientist Arthur treat unwilling patients including lesbian journalist Lana, serial killer Kit, nymphomaniac Shelley and alleged murderer Grace.

American Horror Story: Coven (Season 3) focuses on a coven of witches in New Orleans in 2013. Descendants of the Salem witch trials are brought to an all-girls boarding school to protect them from the outside world.

New student Zoe is taught by the powerful supreme, Fiona, and her daughter, Cordelia, who continue a long-standing rivalry with New Orleans’ voodoo practitioners. Coven also highlights the historic feud between voodoo queen Marie and serial killer Delphine.

American Horror Story: Freak Show is the fourth installment, which spotlights the cast of a 1952 freak show in Jupiter, Florida. When the unusual troupe of performers arrives, strange things begin to happen around town. The characters will be portrayed by AHS veterans Jessica Lange,Kathy Bates,Patti LuPone, Sarah Paulson, Frances Conroy, Emma Roberts, Denis O’Hare, Angela Bassett, Gabourey Sidibe, Jamie Brewer and Michael Chiklis.

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