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Clever mom’s ‘This is How We Do’ parody is funny because it’s true (VIDEO)

It doesn’t matter if you’re a working mom or a work-at-home mom or a stay-at-home mom or a pregnant mom or a mom of 10. Parenting is a total circus. Blogger Brenna Jennings got her mom friends together to create a brilliant parody that gives a shout out to women who weather the chaos of motherhood.
Some things are universal about parenting. Mornings are always a cluster, for example. Even if you’re a morning person with a brilliant routine, you’re still going to have those kinds of days when you wonder if a toddler has enough fine motor skills to operate a toaster.

Jennings, who blogs at Suburban Snapshots, found inspiration for her clever parody when her daughter played Katy Perry’s “This is How We Do” on repeat. She enlisted friends and neighbors to create a video that refuses to buy into the mommy wars. Instead of creating a competition over who has it worst or who works harder, the video shows moments that we can all relate to — scatterbrained laundry time, joy at watching kids compete and desperate multitasking.

Motherhood is really a community, and I am humbled by the women who’ve chosen to give me their friendship,” Jennings told Today Parents. She shared that the soccer scene was her favorite, because the women in the scene recently rallied to support the family of a woman who died from breast cancer over the summer.

It’s that kind of message — the reminder of what we can accomplish together as mothers — that trumps unnecessary competition and comparison. This is how we do.

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