Feminism is the belief that women have political, economical and social equality to men. It’s a simple concept in reality, and kids are all too capable of embracing the fact that girls can do the same things boys can.
We invited the Hatchlings to watch Emma Watson’s powerful #HeForShe speech that she gave to the United Nations on Sept. 20. We then had them pick their favorite lines from her speech to discuss what feminism means to them and whether or not they consider themselves feminists.
As a mom, I’ve never understood parents who don’t teach their kids about equality. As a mom of sons, I want them to grow up believing that the women they meet in this world are deserving of their kindness and respect. As the mom of a daughter, I want her to grow up and receive the same pay for the same work she does as a male co-worker. Feminism has nothing to do with wanting special treatment — it has everything to do with equality. If these tweens can understand that, so should the rest of us.
More on feminism
Being a feminist is not making other women feel bad for their choices
Why I’m raising a feminist
The debate over “ban bossy”
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