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How I give my young daughter the privacy she needs

?My daughter, Morgan, is an avid writer. For as long as I can remember, she has had a gift with pen and paper.


t Many days I have found her curled up in her bed, jotting down her deepest thoughts, feelings and dreams in a notebook or on a pad of paper. Soon after, I typically hear a scream, followed by, “Mom, please get my brother out of my room! He’s trying to read my journal!” Those of us with both boys and girls know that this sibling battle is often a daily occurrence. Truthfully, I think it’s part of a little brother’s job to bug the heck out of his older sister.


t As Morgan has become a tween, I have noticed her increased need for privacy that is a natural part of growing up. Her little brother’s prying eyes and persistent intrusions certainly compound the situation. As her mother, I have emphasized the importance of having her own space for growth, exploration and development and have taught my kids to value personal time for themselves.

t Privacy allows us to let our imaginations go wild, explore our true feelings and even express hopes and dreams that we are not yet ready to share with others. For young girls, it is particularly important to have a safe haven in which to develop their thoughts and explore their emotions. It is quite a journey evolving from a young girl to a teen and having a journal is an excellent place to document this rite of passage.

t I was thrilled when Mattel® asked us to try out their new Password Journal. Morgan’s favorite feature, the voice activated password, gave her that sense of privacy that she wasn’t getting from her old journal. And, the intruder alert, that sounds pretty frequently as her brother tries to open it, adds to the inter-sibling fun. I love knowing she now has a place that she can freely express herself with pen and paper and is comfortable recording her thoughts and dreams.


t Disclosure: sent us a complimentary Password Journal to review and is compensating for this post. All opinions are strictly our own.

Photo credit: Roco Julie/Flickr

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