Even though Thanksgiving is over, you still have many opportunities to educate yourself about child hunger and make a difference for many families in America.
No child should ever go hungry, but one out of every five children in America is faced with not having enough to eat every day. Unilever’s Project Sunlight has some ways you can make a big impact with some small actions.
Host a dinner for a family in need
Gathering with your friends, neighbors and locals is a great way to share resources, learn more about the people in your community and provide a meal for a family in need.
Organize a food drive
Feeding America has an excellent and easy-to-use how-to guide to hold a local food drive for members of your community.
Tell us why you #ShareAMeal
Telling the world about childhood hunger is what this is all about. Tell us why you #ShareAMeal on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Educate your kids about the issues of childhood hunger
You can download this PDF activity kit to help educate your kids about child hunger and teach them how they can help feed kids in the community by packing an extra lunch or volunteering as a family at a food bank.
16,000,000 children in the United States don’t get enough food, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Join this initiative and help us raise awareness about hunger in America.
Unilever Project Sunlight is a sustainable initiative focused on encouraging people to create a brighter future for our children, and believes that even the smallest act — whether it’s sharing a meal, donating time or money or volunteering — can make a difference when multiplied over time and can help build a brighter future for children. Go to ProjectSunlight.us to learn more about how to share a meal to end child hunger or join the conversation on Twitter using #ShareAMeal.
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