Parenting is a full-time job whether you stay at home or juggle it with your hectic work schedule. And while it can be tough, it can also be extremely rewarding. Here are a few stree-free parenting tips SheKnows compiled with the help of real-life parents who say they’re living their parenting days stress-free.
Ask for help
Everyone needs help from time to time. The hardest part is asking for it. So when you start to feel overwhelmed by a task or your to-do list, ask your partner, friends or family to lend a hand. Most people will be more than willing to help out.
Don’t do it all
We’re told we can have it all — a job, the perfect body, an incredible wardrobe, the best social life, amazing children, etc. — without feeling stressed out. But that’s not really possible [unless a person has lots of help]. So chill out and pick your priorities. Life will be less stressful as a result.
Take you time
The happier you are, the more relaxed you’ll be with your kids and vice versa.
Stop cleaning
While it’s important to have a clean home, freaking out about the smallest dust bunny won’t do you any good. A messy home with toys scattered around the living room is one that’s well lived in. It’s a good sign that you’re too busy making memories to clean.
Get your eight hours
One of the best ways to cope with stress is to take care of your health. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to enjoy a good night’s sleep. Every. Single. Night.
Trust your instincts
Everyone is a parenting expert or so they’d have you believe. But the truth is you’re the only expert you need to raise and parent your child. Listen to your gut when making decisions; you’ll feel more confident as a caretaker and, more often than not, you’ll make a decision that’s right for your child.
Grow with your child
As children grow, their tantrums, reactions and behaviours will change. So don’t expect more from them than they’re able to give, or understand, at their age. Parent and discipline appropriately, but also cut kids a bit of slack they’re learning as they grow too!
Stay positive
Parenting can be tough, but you should never let a negative mood get in the way of all the fun parts of the task. Distract yourself from your negative emotions by remembering the small, good things that go along with having a little one.
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