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Homework tips to help your child

Is your child struggling with homework? Use these ideas to keep your child on track for academic success.

Set a regular homework schedule

Kids love having a routine, so set up your child’s schedule to include homework time. This will establish the expectation that part of the evening will be spent on studies. Keep in mind your family’s timetable, the usual number of assignments your child has and your child’s own personality when setting up a schedule. If you find that your child doesn’t have much homework on a day-to-day basis, this time can be used for reading, workbooks or educational online games such as Mathletics.

Create a quiet work area

Allow your child to concentrate by finding a distraction-free zone for homework and study. Whenever possible, keep the work area away from the commotion of normal life, such as the TV and loud siblings. Keep it clutter-free and make your little student comfy with a good chair, adequate lighting and a smooth work surface.

Provide the necessary materials

Having the necessary supplies on hand will make homework time less stressful and more efficient. Use school-supply lists as a guideline and have materials go-to-ready for homework assignments. Common items that kids will need include pencils, pens, coloured pencils, poster board, rulers, good scissors, glue, geometry kits, markers, a calculator, loose-leaf paper and report covers or Duo-Tangs.


Be your child’s best listener. Take some uninterrupted time to listen to your child talk about his or her school day. Show your interest and be supportive as this will keep him or her interested as well. This is also a great time to keep your kids engaged in learning by encouraging open discussions in any topic they choose.

Keep yourself informed

Kids may not always tell their parents everything, so keep yourself in the know by checking out the school’s website, reading your child’s agenda and regularly communicating with the teachers. Many teachers will either post homework assignments online or send out group emails with the details, to make it easy for parents to keep up to date.

A few more hints:

  • Allow for regular breaks during homework time.
  • Keep up your child’s nutrition with healthy snacks to help prevent fatique and mood swings.
  • Be available in case your child has any questions and check in regularly.
  • Look over the homework to ensure it has been completed.
  • Give praise and encourage your child to always do his or her best.

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