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Birthday party ideas for your tween or teen daughter

Your tween/early-teen daughter is growing up. She’s reached another birthday in her young life and now wants a really cool party to celebrate. How do you balance her need for independence and fun with her friends with your need as a mom to help celebrate it with her? Here are a few ideas you both will enjoy!

The spa party

Girls of all ages love getting makeovers and spa treatments, so why not make this the theme of your teen’s birthday party?

  • Invite the girls to come with their robes and PJs.
  • Set aside some space for your “spa.” A large bathroom is ideal, but a kitchen or similar space with a hard floor (to prevent staining on carpet) will do. Throw pillows and blankets around to keep everyone comfy.
  • Have comfortable chairs, towels and all the supplies ready to go.
  • Lay out hairbrushes, barrettes, bobby pins, hairspray, sparkle gel and whatever else they want for hairstyling.
  • Keep a varied selection of nail polish and nail art accessories handy for snazzy manicures.
  • Hit your local dollar store for a broad selection of makeup they can experiment with.
  • Offer spa snacks, like smoothies.
  • Play cool music, and have the girls do makeovers on one another.
  • Give away spa-like party favours, such as a pair of fuzzy slippers or a goodie bag of nail treatments.

The fashion party

Fashion is a passion, and your tween-ish daughter and her friends have probably made their fashion statements known by now! Let them experiment with different looks and styles by hosting a fashion runway bash.

  • Have your daughter invite all her besties, and ask them to bring a small suitcase of their favourite clothes, accessories and shoes. Encourage them to share and mix up their own fashion creations.
  • Set them up in a bedroom or other large space for changing.
  • Set up a makeup and hair station with lots of supplies.
  • Treat them like supermodels by giving them pop in small bottles with straws, and play the part of a fashion photographer while they pose for the camera.
  • Play fun dance music while they get ready for the runway.
  • Clear a space for them to strut their stuff. Add mood lighting and cool decorations.
  • Print out a digital photo of them on the “runway,” frame it, and send them home with it the next day.

The movie night sleepover

Get your video camera warmed up, and turn your teenage daughter and her friends into movie stars!

  • Before the night of the party, ask your daughter and her friends to come up with a simple movie storyline. A musical, horror flick or action adventure will work best.
  • Plan ahead to provide them with makeshift costumes, wigs, makeup, the appropriate music and simple sets for filming night.
  • Have the girls develop the movie script and scenes the night of the party.
  • Film their cinematic masterpiece while playing the part of director, complete with a clapboard and the right attitude.
  • Have a “wrap party,” serving popcorn and other movie house treats.
  • Edit the film when you send them off to watch their favourite movies and have a sleepover bash.
  • Send your daughter’s guests home the next day with a copy of their “award-winning film.”

More on birthday parties

Planning a perfect birthday party for your child
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