As a result of budgetary restraints and fiscal cutbacks in the education system, fine art programs are often the hardest hit. While there’s no denying the importance of the core subjects in a child’s curriculum, there is a definite need for the fine arts as well.
The fine arts are part of our daily lives. Consider that the catchy jingle of your favourite commercial, the pop song you sing to yourself all day long, the movie that pulled at your emotional heartstrings and the mesmerizing wall mural on that building you drive by every day are all likely products of a fine art education. Add to that product logos, life-capturing photos, haunting movie scores, beautiful paintings and drama or dance performances, to name just a few more, and it’s easy to see why the fine arts are important to our lives and our students. Here are just some of the reasons fine art programs are beneficial.
They help pave the way for a future career
Every child is wonderfully unique, and as such, should have the opportunity to explore what interests them the most. Fine art studies encompass a vast array of options, any of which could foster a lifelong interest or future career. Whether it be a visual, audible or performance-based art, fine art programs will offer them the freedom of discovery and potentially an undiscovered, passionate interest.
They offer a creative outlet
Fine art studies allow a student to be creative in their own way. Art encourages a person to think outside the realm of conventionality and requires action on a person’s own thought processes. This can be beneficial to self-acceptance and understanding. It also gives a person a boost in self-esteem, as this type of study doesn’t necessarily follow standard rules, but relies on the creativity of its participants, which can be highly satisfying and rewarding.
They help keep a person in touch with humanity
Fine art studies are about feelings, about pure, raw emotions. They capture those moments in life that draw us in and remind us of our place in the universe while still allowing us to take time and just be who we are meant to be. There isn’t necessarily a guide or a standard to follow, but instead simple encouragement to take the helm and realize our potential as part of the human race. By observing and documenting life from an artistic perspective, a person is apt to realize the similarities in our collective lives as well as be more accepting of the differences often seen in our fragile human existence.
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