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7 Tips for dealing with morning sickness

Morning sickness is by far one of the least fun things about pregnancy. While you’re excited that your body is growing your little addition, not being able to keep a meal down is no picnic. Here are a few things you can do to ward off nausea.


Stay hydrated

Most often, simply hydrating yourself is your best weapon to fight nausea. During pregnancy, as soon as your stomach empties, it starts to feel queasy. If you’re having trouble keeping food down, water is your best resource.


Eat apples

While some foods, like meats and poultry, might be too much to even think about eating during the early stages of pregnancy, apples are usually less of a turnoff. An apple is crisp and juicy and very light on the tummy. Eating one can help fill you up enough to stave off that bout of nausea as well as hydrate you. You know what they say: An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


Eat before taking your prenatal vitamins

Regardless of what the package says, it’s a good idea to eat before taking your prenatals, especially if nausea is becoming more and more unbearable. Always check with your doctor to be sure, but normally food will coat the stomach, so the vitamins won’t irritate it nearly as much.


Chew mint-flavoured gum

The old-fashioned ways to treat nausea still apply even when you’re pregnant. No one can say for certain what causes nausea during pregnancy or why, but once the feeling is there, some mint-flavoured gum can help ward it off a little longer.


Eat when you can

Just because they call it morning sickness doesn’t mean it only happens in the morning. For many women it can be later in the day or sometimes all day long. If you’re lucky enough to have moments when the nausea isn’t a problem, try your best to eat stomach-friendly foods, like toast, fruits and raw vegetables. Filling up when you can will help fight off the nausea even longer.


Take vitamin B6

All-natural and very effective, vitamin B6 can help reduce nausea. Check with your doctor to see how much you should take per day, but in general it would take a very large dose of vitamin B6 for the body to take in more than it needs or should have. You can take several pills a day if it helps, as long as your practitioner approves. Remember: Every woman’s body is different, so your doctor should be aware of everything you try.


Get a prescription

Unfortunately some women suffer from pretty severe nausea, and in some cases, it can even become a danger to both mom and baby. If nausea is unbearable and lasts all day, tell your doctor so he or she can prescribe a medication that will help calm it down. Don’t worry about baby; anti-nausea medications for pregnant women are perfectly safe and won’t harm your little package.

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