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8 Maternity pictures you have to see to believe

Pregnancy is beautiful — for some women, that is.

Although I am more likely to resemble a beached whale than anything remotely attractive when I am pregnant, I’m still glad that I had maternity pictures done for two out of four of my pregnancies.

I felt anything but beautiful in the moment, of course, but looking back, I’m so glad I have those times captured forever — it’s unbelievable to look back at myself as a non-pregnant person and honestly, now that I’m no longer hefting around an extra 50 pounds and can sleep on my stomach as much as I want, I can kind of see the beauty even in my pregnancies.

But let’s be honest — as grateful as I am to have some decent pregnancy pics of myself, my pregnant self has nothing on these lovely pregnant ladies.

The topless on a rock pose
I just have one question — how awkward was the climb up to that rock topless and preggo?

The ballerina pose
For those of us who can’t touch our toes, a beautiful pregnant ballerina on her tiptoes. No, I don’t feel inadequate at all.

The classic mother-in-a-drape pose
Oh, this ole sheet? Just found this lying around…

Making a splash
Does anyone else get tempted to sing Frozen songs when you look at this picture? Just me?

Beauty in black
Speaking of Frozen songs, the cold never bothered this gorgeous pregnant mama.

Bump on a surfboard
This is pretty much how I imagine Gisele spent most of her pregnancies.

Tea for two, two for tea
Definitely how I enjoyed my morning tea when I was pregnant.

Keepin’ it casual
Oh, you mean every pregnant woman doesn’t nap like this?

More on pregnancy

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