We’ve all known a parent or two to act like complete maniacs in public. Normally, you’ll see a parent lose it and scream at their child in line at the grocery store. Maybe you’ve been there before. The next time that you take your child out in public, consider these ground rules: Losing your temper is normal. Stealing in front of your child is not.
Most parents would never dream of committing a crime in front of their child, especially in a public place. Unfortunately, two South Florida parents didn’t receive this “ethics” memo.
A couple was caught on camera stealing a $1,500 teacup Yorkie puppy from a pet store. According to the Nessy’s Puppies of Kendall surveillance video, the heist went a little something like this: A family of four walked into a pet store to check out the dogs on display. Just a few minutes later, the father jumped over a small dividing fence and snatched a Yorkie puppy from a cage.
This Bonnie and Clyde couple had clearly never seen Ocean’s Eleven before, as their caper grew even more ridiculous. The man then handed the puppy to the woman, who hid it under her skirt, as the family quickly exited the pet store.
Store employee Gaby Ortega described the scene from her perspective, “They didn’t even look at me, just straight walked out. So I immediately I was like, ‘something’s wrong. This is not normal.'”
Ortega is absolutely correct. These people are not normal. It’s all fine and good to poke fun at this strange theft going down in broad daylight at a local pet store, but what we really should be asking is: What is wrong with these people that they would steal in front of their children?
Kids don’t need a puppy. Kids don’t need a $1,500 puppy from a pet store. Kids especially don’t need to see their parents steal to get them what they want.
It would be an understatement to say that these parents are sending a terrible message to their kids. In what could have been a teachable moment, i.e., teaching kids to save their money to buy a pet or teaching kids the value of pet adoption, these parents “screwed the pooch.”
Don’t steal in front of your kids. It’s that simple.
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