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Hilarious video teaches kids babies don’t really come from the butt (VIDEO)

By the time you get around to having kids, sex is something you take for granted. It’s what got you into this mess in the first place. But after watching this hilarious video where kids are asked about where babies come from, you’ll have a whole new appreciation for the birds and the bees.
You’ll also learn a few things about how kids perceive sex — specifically, kids can’t say “vagina.” Kids hate love. Kids think babies come out of the butt. Kids can’t stand the thought of sperm coming out of a penis, and so much more.

Seriously, ask any kid in your life this all-important question (with the permission of their parents, of course) and give them your undivided attention. Better yet, capture the entire encounter on video. Kids will always surprise you. While most kids have a basic understanding of P-in-V mechanics that they may have picked up at home or at school, the waters get murky from there.

Kids just can’t believe that two grown people would take off their clothes, get under the blankets and do a special dance to make a baby. When you put it that way, it sounds pretty magical and almost — almost — makes me want to do it again.

Laugh all you want, but most of us can admit to having some strange ideas about sex before an all-knowing adult pointed us in the right direction. One video commenter shares, “I’ll be honest, when I was a little kid, I thought having sex meant that you got naked and you hugged someone, and somehow a baby started growing in the stomach, and you pull it out of the belly button.”

I have yet to give the sex talk to my young sons, but this video gives me something to look forward to. If these kids are any indicator of the average child, then I know exactly what to expect now: lots of giggling, fidgeting and general awkwardness. Also, plenty of cringing and eye-rolling.

This adorably candid video may give you the courage you need to talk to your child about sex for the first time. Or, maybe it will just remind you what it was like to be young and innocent and believe some pretty weird stuff about how babies are made. If anything, you’ll learn one important lesson from a little boy who was brave enough to ask: How do you pronounce vagina?

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