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Husband films crying pregnant wife: ‘Why are you making fun of me?’ (VIDEO)

The thing about pregnancy stereotypes is that they are so often true. Pregnant women don’t want to admit that the swollen ankles, aching back and crying at the drop of a hat are a reality and not just a rumor — because the truth hurts.
Yes, not all pregnancy stereotypes are true, and many women don’t appreciate them. But I, for one, can tell you that most pregnancy clichés rang true for me, especially the raging hormones and the mood swings. For nine long months, I was not myself. I found myself getting irrationally angry, followed by some ugly crying, at the smallest things.

This adorable viral video made me feel better about my wild pregnancy moods. Kevin Reams captured pregnancy drama at its finest. He filmed his nine-month-pregnant wife in a funny clip that has now gone viral, with over one million views.

In the video, you can see an all-too-common pregnancy scenario play out. Husband and pregnant wife banter. Pregnant wife gets frustrated and doesn’t know how to communicate her feelings. Pregnant wife cries for no reason at all. Husband laughs and is reprimanded for it.

As Kevin and his wife are performing a normal household task of separating vegetables into Ziploc bags to store, Kevin’s pregnant wife begins cry-laughing because she doesn’t like his vegetable packing method.

All Kevin can do is laugh, which prompts his wife to say, “Why are you making fun of me?” Kevin’s wife cries harder as she laments that people will remember her crazy pregnant mood swings forever — which might now be true because of this viral video.

Boy, have I been there before, in both of my pregnancies. Some may say that Kevin is a bag of douche for filming his wife at a sensitive time in her life, but through her tears, it seems like she has a decent sense of humor. If my husband had ever filmed me one of the many, many times I was caught in a pregnant she-bear rage, you’d better believe I would have laughed about it later.

Most women don’t like pregnancy stereotypes because they are true. Pregnant women be crazy. Pregnant women say the darndest things. Pregnant women are unpredictable. This cute video captures pregnancy insanity perfectly.

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