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DIY felt rainy clouds mobile

Create a dreamy space for your little bundle of joy with a cute cloud nursery mobile with colourful raindrops. It’s easy to make, completely customisable and will add a touch of heavenly whimsy to your little one’s room.

Get your craft on with this easy-to-make felt rain clouds nursery mobile. All you need is a couple of hours, some basic sewing skills, this printable template and a few supplies. Away you go.

Clouds and raindrops nursery mobile


  • Thick white craft felt
  • Colourful craft felt (in colours that match your nursery colour scheme or theme)
  • 30 centimetre metal hoop
  • Fishing line
  • White embroidery thread
  • Sewing thread (either in white or in colours that match the felt)
  • Needles
  • Pins
  • Stuffing
  • Fabric scissors
  • A pencil or chalk
  • A hook (or similar), for hanging
  • PDF clouds and raindrops nursery mobile template. Click here to print.
  • Non-toxic textile glue (optional)


Cut out the pieces from the printable cloud and raindrops mobile template and trace them onto the craft felt with the pencil or chalk.

Cut out the pieces from the felt — you’ll need at least 6 cloud pieces (2 per cloud) and 18 raindrop pieces in the colours of your choice. It’s a good idea to make extras just in case something doesn’t go according to plan.

On your cloud pieces, mark the points marked with an “X” on the template. Thread a long (at least 60 centimetres) fishing line through a needle, tie a knot in the end and thread it through the top of the cloud, where the X is. Sew one or two loops through the spot to ensure that the line is in properly; this is the string that your cloud and the whole mobile will hang from.

Thread a needle with the white embroidery thread, tie a knot at the end and, working from the inside out, pull the needle through one of the X markings at the base of the template so that the knot covers the marking.

Sew your way around the outside of the cloud until you reach the other X marking at its base.

Stuff the cloud until it’s plump and fluffy, then continue to stitch until you’ve closed it off. Tie a knot and tuck it into the cloud. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until you have at least three clouds.

Place two raindrop pieces together — you can use a bit of craft textile glue to hold them in place — then sew them together, leaving a gap for the stuffing. Use an extra long piece of thread.

Stuff each raindrop and then sew it shut. Do not cut off the excess thread.

Stick the needle through the centre of each raindrop so that it comes out through the top. This is how you’ll connect your raindrops to your clouds. Repeat steps 7 to 9 until you’ve got at least nine raindrops (three for each cloud).

Sew three raindrops into the base of each cloud at different heights.

One by one tie each cloud to the metal hoop at varying heights. Tie a double knot in each. If you find that the clouds are sliding together, you can temporarily secure them in place with a bit of washi tape.

Starting at each knot, measure 15 centimetres (the length of the radius of the hoop) along the fishing line and mark the spot.

Bring the three spots together in the centre of the hoop and tie them together in a double knot.

Pull the remaining fishing line up and secure it to the hook which you’re going to hang your mobile on. Make sure this is secure then clip off the remnants of the fishing line.

Hang your mobile and enjoy. Just remember to hang it well away from prying little hands.

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